57) So I Said Wonderful? If You Insist.

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A/N: 2 things: Firstly, does anyone get the chapter title reference? And also I drew the picture and I am once again, kinda proud. JK it was 3 things. Thirdly, this one is pretty long.

Nico had just gotten off the phone with Hazel when he heard a knock at the front door. He heard the others coming but decided to open it himself considering he was the closest. As soon as it was open and he saw who it was, he froze.

"Nico?" Cassie asked surprised before switching to Ancient Greek. "What the hell are you doing at the Wayne's house?"

"I live here, what the hell are you doing alive?" Nico asked, still staring at the girl with wide eyes.

"You Waynes shouldn't be opening the door, it could be a kidnapper— oh hey Cassie," Karen said as she entered the foyer. "Everyone this is—"

"Cassandra Sandsmark," Nico finished, the two still just staring at each other in surprise.

"You know Wonder Girl?"

Nico's eyes widened and his face looked like he was about to get angry, but before he could say anything, Cassie took over. "We know each other from childhood. Nico, let's go catch up."

She tried to grab his arm to pull him away but Nico pulled his wrist from her hold and just followed her down the hall. He heard his brothers ask if he wanted them to come, but he just ignored them. As soon as they were far enough away from the others, Nico exploded.

"What the literal fuck Cassie?!" He yelled in Ancient Greek. "I thought you died before you ever made it to camp. I burnt a shroud for you."

"I'm sorry. I was on my way to camp when I stopped in DC and ran into Diana-"

"And working with Lady Diana? She left our kind to die!"

"She didn't have a choice. She had to pick between helping 7 billion people or a few demigods."

"Well those 'few demigods' have saved 7 billion people twice now, and never once did she show up."

"The gods were involved in the wars, so she couldn't be— that was the deal she made."

"Well it was a shit deal."

"Obviously! She regrets it constantly, but she also knows that if she hadn't made it, then Wonder Woman would have never existed and so many people would have died."

"I know-"

"She is an aspect of Artemis. If she didn't exist, then it would have just been Artemis. Nothing would have changed."

Nico was quiet for a long moment. "I know. I know she didn't have a choice, and that my grudge is irrational; but I just need someone to blame and it can't be the gods."

"Why not? My life has only gotten better since I swore my oath to Diana's cause. Without the gods there are no monsters, or prophecies, or anything like that."

"Because I can't just abandon our— my people. When I used to blame the gods for everything, I was constantly angry. It made me cruel and spiteful, and I promised my sister I would try to let things go."

"Then why can you forgive Diana?"

"Because she's part of Artemis, and part of me still hates the goddess for getting my sister to join the hunt. It's pretty easy to hold a grudge against an aspect of a god when you were already angry with the original."

Steph leaned against the wall next to Nico. "That makes sense I guess." There was a long stretch of silence between them before she spoke again. "Does that mean you have to hate me too? I have the same oath to not get involved with the godly world."

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