78) And So It Begins

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A/N: welcome to the shit show

-Dick POV-

Dick sat nervous in the batjet as they flew towards their destination. They had all gone over the plan twice before leaving, Nico staying behind to pick up whatever Bruce had Leo make before joining them once they were on the ground.

"I don't like this, Bruce." Dick looked to his father, seeing his usual expression as he piloted the plane, but there was a pinch to his lips that told him that the older man was just as worried as he was. "Something feels off about this."

Damian nodded, his jaw clenched. "I agree. We do not know why they chose now to attack, or why they took who they did."

Bruce grunted. "Their reasons aren't important right now. We need to focus on getting everyone out first and then we can deal with the 'why'."

It was silent for a long while as the three of them just kept their eyes forward, focused on the upcoming battle.

"Slade deserves to die," Damian said, breaking the silence.


"I know Father. We don't kill, but he is supposed to be dead. He only got out because of the-" Damian was cut off by Bruce.

"I am more than aware of how he is alive, but that doesn't change the fact that it is not our place to kill those we see as not fit to live."

"And what if it were our place?"

Dick's eyes shot to Damian as the boy glared at the back of Bruce's head.

"Did he say..." Dick's voice trailed off, not wanting to finish the question.

Damian sighed and crossed his arms. "No, he did not. He said he didn't know what he was going to do."

Bruce's body relaxed, though only slightly, at the statement. "Then it is not too late."

Dick looked at Bruce for a moment. "And if he decides to listen to Hades? What will you do?"

"We won't let that happen. You both know what Aqualad said, we can't risk it." Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. "Nico shouldn't be in this position to begin with."

"Then why allow him to come?"

"I think we all know that we can't really stop him," Dick said to Damian with a small smile. "Not only does he not listen, but we literally can't stop him."

Damian opened his mouth to respond, but Bruce spoke first. "We're here. Activating Comms." Bruce clicked a button on the control board. "Alpha squad, establishing contact. Batman, Nightwing, and Robin: online."

"Beta, contact established. Superman, Superboy 1 and 2: Online," Clarks voice sounded through the Comms.

"Gamma, contact established. Martian Man Hunter, Miss Martian, and Beast Boy: online."

"Delta, contact established. Flash and Kid Flash: online."

"Epsilon, contact established. Wonder Woman: online."

"Zeta, contact established. Aquaman, Aqualad, and Lagoon Boy: online."

"Eta, contact established. Green Arrow, Artemis, and Red Arrow: online."

"Oracle, all signals clear?" Batman asked.

"Clear as crystal Batman. We'll have to thank Tech for the Comms upgrade after this is over."

Bruce grunted. "Watchtower, all additional members present and ready to deploy?"

"You got 3 Green Lanterns, Spoiler, Orphan, Batwoman, Signal, and Batwing all ready to deploy on your signal," Hal replied.

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