81) Damn to Hades

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A/N: this one is short and you are gonna wanna kill me hehe

-Bruce POV-

At the sound of Dick yelling for his brother, Bruce's eyes searched the battle field for his son. He had tried to keep tabs on all his children even as he fought Hush, but the pitch black fog had made it nearly impossible to see Nico the entire time. When he had realized that Slade had gone after Nico, all he wanted to do was run to him. He knew that Nico was already weakened from summoning as many skeletons as he had, plus all of the shadow traveling he did that day, but Hush seemed set on not letting him go.

When is eyes finally found Nico, he began internally cursing while he continued his fight with his former friend. He couldn't even leave Hush to someone else considering they were all fighting their own villains. He glanced back again and saw Nico draw his sword and destroy Slade's mask, leaving what was sure to be a hell of scar across the man's already scarred face, before kicking him off. Bruce began to let out a sigh of relief until he was noticed the change in Nico.

Ever since he opened the chasm in the ground, he had been radiating a level of power that Bruce had ever seen. Before the black fog had enveloped him, Nico had looked alive with energy, the act of using his powers to that extent seemed to invigorate him, but he no longer looked like that. Instead, Bruce could only describe Nico as grim. His skin seemed even paler then when the battle began and his eyes looked hollowed with how dark they seemed. And then there was the energy radiating off of him.

Percy had told Bruce about Nico's powers, but it was different to see in person. He had been warned by the other demigods specifically about one of Nico's powers more than the others. It wasn't so much about the dangers of him using it, but about how powerful it was when used. He could see now why they warned him, but it was not enough to prepare him to witness it.

What radiated off of Nico could only be described as a flood of rage in its purest form. The ground where the teen stood turned black as all the grass died before it was quickly coated in white frost, the temperature of the entire area growing colder the closer they were to the demigod. Bruce was a good hundred yards away, but he could still see his own breath in the air. The earth seemed to shake with Nico's rage. Large jagged spires of stone shot up from the ground around him with each step, all quickly being coated with a layer of frost.

The villains seemed the most effected by Nico's aura of rage, all of them weakening to the point that is was almost too easy to finally knock them out. As soon as Bruce has incapacitated Hush, he began running towards his son, his other sons joining him, having also knocked out their targets.

They were about fifty feet away when what Bruce could only describe as waves of darkness began to radiate off of the boy. The waved knocked the bats to the ground and it took all of Bruce's focus to not let them push him backwards from where he fell. He gripped the ground, forcing himself to hold his position and not be pushed away, as he looked at the scene before him. He looked at his son, but from that close he began seeing flashes of what he assumed were Nico's memories.

One second he saw Ghost King, bloody from the cuts across his body, pointing his sword at Slade. The next, he saw a line of burial shrouds and what Bruce assumed to be the family of the fallen crying over their bodies before covering them in the shrouds and allowing Nico to do the rites. Then Ghost King was screaming at Slade in Ancient Greek, the villain seemingly frozen where he was due to the overwhelming power Nice was radiating. The next thing he saw seemed to be flashes that sped by him. He caught a glimpse of a green eyed teen with a broken nose sinking into a crack in the earth, then of a young Nico yelling at Percy, then Nico banishing an old looking ghost. Flash after flash until Nico's yelling turned to English and it pulled Bruce out of his semiconscious state.

"You have escaped death before, but you will not escape it again. You will suffer for the crimes you have committed." His voice was full of rage as he raised his sword till it was level with the man's forehead.

"Nico!" Bruce yelled, not even caring about using code names, just wanting for his son to hear him.

Nico's eyes snapped to Bruce's. They stared at each other for a long moment as Bruce silently begged his son not to do it. He saw Nico's blade slowly inch downward before he heard something.

"His soul is owed to the underworld," a quiet yet powerful voice said in the wind and Bruce shivered. He had heard the voice of Hades.

Nico's eyes turned back to Slade with a new determination as the aura of death seemed to thicken in the air. "You're soul is owed and you have been found unworthy to live. May the judges see you for what you are," Nico said in a voice so cold that Bruce barely recognized it.

Bruce opened his mouth to call out to his son once more, but it was too late.

"Damn to hades." The words were said quietly, but a new wave of coldness spread as they were spoken. Slade seemed to almost turn to stone. His body froze, his skin turning grey before dissolving into ash that was blown away in the wind.

All at once the world seemed to silence. The waves of darkness stopped and the intense cold began to fade. The fighting had stopped, their enemies either unconscious or already escaped. All the heroes seemed frozen after the display of powers they had just seen.

Nico stood frozen, sword still raised to where Slade's head had been moments before. Bruce stood up, his sons doing the same, before beginning to walk the last fifty feet to his side. They had almost reached him when he dropped the sword. Bruce assumed the gravity of what had just happened had finally hit Nico, but then he collapsed.

A/N: AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH I know something you don't knooooow

Vote. Comment. Tell me how annoying it is that you have to wait 24 hours to find out what happened (I don't, I wrote it so I can read the next chapter whenever I want ahahahahah).

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