84) Epilogue? More Like Angst-i-logue

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(long chapter, plus I drew the thing up above and, yet again, I am pretty proud)

-Dick POV-

The manor felt empty. It had been a month since the battle. One month since they saw Nico disappear with the other two demigods into the shadows. One month since it last felt like they could breath.

None of the Waynes knew what to do with themselves. They were used to being the ones who knew what was going on. This was the first time they had truly been in the dark about what was happening and they hated it.

Will's sister had called them the day after the incident to explain what had happened, but even then it was too general for their taste. She said that they ran tests and the reason both Will and the godly foods were doing nothing to fix him was because he was stabbed in the calf with a dagger that had what appeared to be poisoned with 'godly related materials'. He had managed to tourniquet the wound which was why he survived so long, but it could only do so much. She said that they had lost him for a while, but Will had somehow got him back. He was in a coma, but his heart was beating on his own.

They had wanted to ask more questions, but she said that it was all she knew. Bruce had called Chiron to ask if they could visit Nico, but the centaur said that the entire camp was on lockdown so they couldn't. Apparently when they lost Nico briefly, Will had accidentally unleashed the bubonic plague. Everyone inside the camp was treated and it was unlikely that it would spread, but they still had to be sure.

They knew there was something that the demigods weren't telling them. They would get a call every few days to basically be told that Nico was still in a coma but alive, but it was kept vague. They never talked about how he was saved or what Will did to bring him back or what physical damage the poison caused.

"Anyone call yet?" Dick asked, breaking the silence as they ate dinner. None of them were really eating much, but it made Alfred happy to care for them, so they grit their teeth and tried to take a few bites. "It's been 4 days, we should have gotten another one by now."

"Does it even matter?" Damian mumbled. "They never tell us anything useful. They won't even let us see him."

Bruce let out a sigh of exhaustion. "Nothing yet, but they hopefully will soon. And Damian, you know why we can't see him. Hazel and the others not at CHB right now also haven't been able to visit. We just have to wait ten more days for the camp quarantine to end and-"

Jason slammed his fists on the table and stood up. "He might not have ten days!" He yelled. "Our brother is dying— he already died and they barely got him back, and we can't even be there. He's alone."

Dick tried to calm him down. "Jay, he isn't alone. Will and Percy are there, plus everyone at camp-"

Tim shook his head. "But we should be there. We should be the ones by his bedside. We said we would always be there for him but now..."

The table turned silent again, only being broken by Bruce's phone ringing. Immediately it felt like all the air had left the room.

Bruce pulled it out before freezing. "It's Will."

Will had never called before. It was always Kayla, Austin, or Percy. They always said Will was too busy working on healing Nico or sleeping. They said he never did anything but those two things.

Bruce let out a breath before picking up the phone. "Hey Will, everything okay?"

The bat boys didn't dare to breathe as they watched Bruce's face, trying to figure out what he was hearing, but his face didn't move. After a few minutes he set the phone down, never having said a thing.

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