56) Operation Wayne is a Go

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A/N: long chapter warning 

-Dick POV-

The next few days seemed to fly by after the demigods left. He had prepped Nico and Damian on how to handle 'Operation Wayne' considering that neither were there the last time they had done it. Because the end goal was for them to learn their secret identities, the bats had less guidelines than Nico, but they still had some rules.

Bruce had labeled the different types of restrictions they had into a color coded system, this project was level blue. That meant no overt references, minimal show of skill, and no extreme violence. Nico however was level red: no references of any means, no use of abilities or advanced skills, and a manufactured cover story for any and all unavoidable situations.

Garf, La'gaan, Jamie, Cassie, and Karen (Bumblebee)had also gotten a brief from Aqualad about the boys, but most of it was just their civilian IDs, interests, and the things not to do. Thankfully they didn't question why the Waynes were allowed to know their secret IDs, but Dick was aware that they might try to snoop for answers from the get go.

Finally the day arrived and he was close to giddy with excitement. They had all gathered in the foyer with Bruce and Alfred.

"Remember, don't make it too easy on them to discover your IDs. Also, please don't give them a hard time while they are here otherwise I will hear about it from their mentors at the next JL meeting and I really don't want to deal with that," Bruce said, looking exhausted.

It made sense considering he was always stressed before leaving Gotham for more than a night. He knew that the others had it covered while he was away, but he didn't relish the idea of not being close by in case of an emergency.

"Don't worry Bruce, we have everything under control. The team will be fine, Gotham will be fine, and we'll probably be fine," Dick said with a smirk. "One of us will probably get briefly kidnapped, but I trust the team to get us out. Worst case senario, we call for backup from a bat."

"It just better not be me again," Tim said with a sigh. "I always get taken by the most useless criminals."

"Your critiquing of your kidnappers always astounds me Master Timothy," Alfred said with a sparkle in his eye. "But do try to limit such talk while the team is here."

"Anything for you Alfred," Tim said as there was a knock at the door.

Alfred dutifully opened it and gestured for the team to enter. "Right on time young heroes."

Karen came in first and shook Bruce's hand. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Wayne. I'm Karen, or Bumblebee as you maybe already know, and I was selected to lead the team that will be guarding your children."

Bruce gave her the classic Wayne smile. "The pleasure is all mine. Thank you all so much for being here in my absence."

"We were briefed ahead of time, but is there anything else we should know?"

Bruce shook his head. "Nothing I can think of. Now, I'm sorry to leave so soon but I have a plane to catch."

Bruce shared a look with his sons and then he and Alfred left.

Jason scoffed. "He says that like he doesn't own the plane."

Dick elbowed Jason. "Shut up so we can introduce ourselves."

The second oldest just rolled his eyes as the Team all began introducing themselves.

"I'm La'gaan or Lagoon Boy."

"I'm Beast Boy, but you can call me Garf."

"I'm Jaime, also known as Blue Beetle."

"And as I said before, I am Karen or Bumblebee. We have another teammate joining us named Cassie or Wondergirl, but she is currently finishing up another mission so she'll be here later."

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