46) Time for a Demigod Round Up!

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A/N (current day): Guys I have been number 1 in almost every tag for the last week and that's insane. Thank you guys so much! <3

-Bruce POV-

Bruce had woken up early that morning. It wasn't on purpose, he just couldn't sleep anymore. After Jason had carried Nico to bed the night before, they had gone on patrol but he still spent most of the night staring at the ceiling.

He didn't know why he was so nervous. It was literally just a gaggle of teens, he dealt with that every time he spoke to the Young Justice Team... but they were more than that. This was Nico's family. These were the people he turned to for support and guidance when he wasn't sure about the Waynes. Part of Bruce worried that if something went wrong during their visit, or an emergency happened in Gotham and he and the others had to leave, maybe they would tell him that they weren't right for him... that Nico was wrong to let them into his life. And that Nico might listen to them.

Nico had even told Bruce that he had a habit of running when things got hard. What if going to the mountain had pushed him too hard? The man had thought that the experience with the other teens would help him feel more confident in himself and his abilities, but what if it was too much?

He didn't even notice anyone else had walked into the dining room until a grape hit his forehead.

"You look like death," Jason said from his seat to the man's left. "Worried about meeting the literal mob of demigods that are about to be on our door step?"

Bruce let out a sigh and raked his hands down his face. "These people mean the world to Nico. What if they don't like us and convince him to leave?"

Jason chuckled slightly. "And what if the sky falls, or the bay empties?" The teen turned in his seat, resting his legs over the wooden armrests, and looked at Bruce. "I know we literally deal in 'what-if's in this family, but you need to stop thinking like Batman and start thinking like Brunce Wayne."

"Considering I am both-"

"You know what I mean." Jason threw another grape at his head. "You're a great dad, Nico's family will see that. Plus you already met Percy and Will through the phone and we've known Rachel for years, so that's three down, seven to go."

Bruce smiled at his second son. It was rare that the kid called him dad, and he was usually covering something up or lying when he actually did, but it always warmed his heart. "You give great pep talks."

The teen just gave a small chuckle, going back to sitting normally in his chair. "My teacher was okay I guess."

Bruce laughed as the others began to enter the room, Tim and Nico doing their usual coffee and blank stares routine, while Dick was ruffling Damian's hair over something the youngest had said.

"You ready to meet some Demigods?" Dick asked, excited as always. "When do the others get here?"

"Duke and Steph will be here at 11, and Cass and Barb will be here around noon. Also, we need to remember to hide all the strange stuff in the manor before the teens get here."

Nico snorted slightly. "The only people with an actual sense of normal for mortals are Frank, Leo, and Percy, and for them, you just have to say it's rich people stuff. Piper's dad is rich, but he is also an actor so he has weird stuff all over his house."

"He's an actor? Anything we would know?" Tim sat forward in his seat, the coffee seemingly kicking in.

"Know Tristen McLean? Yeah, him." Nico laughed at their faces of shock, apparently forgetting that they didn't know much about his family. "I forget that to most people, he is a big deal."

"Okay, before they get here, is there anything else we should know other than the famous father?" Jason said, setting down the grapes he had been chucking at Tim.

"Probably a lot, but I'll give you the quick version." Nico smirked, probably thinking about all the things he could say. "So Percy Jackson is crazy over protective and will not, under any circumstance, allow you to eat sea food. He is dating Annabeth Chase who is a genius and will immediately get excited about the architecture of Wayne manor. Piper McLean has charm speak and she will use it to get the last cookie which will start a whole thing. Leo Valdez is an insane elf who is crazy good at building stuff and spontaneously combusts when he is excited. Rachel Dare is the Oracle so if she starts spitting out green fog, we are screwed. Reyna Ramírez-Arellano is one of the praetors and a badass who will most definitely threaten your lives while she is here. Frank Zhang is the other praetor who looks like he will kill you but is actually a teddy bear, sometimes literally. Hazel Levesque is my sister and dating Frank, she is super sweet but also will probably threaten you. Jason Grace, he used to date Piper but they broke up, but they are still super close friends so it's fine. He is the former praetor, Percy was too technical, but he is even more over protective and the two of them will also most likely threaten you. And then there is Will Solace. He is a golden retriever, but also very scary at times so don't get on his bad side; he will also most likely threaten you."

"So the only ones we don't have to worry about threatening us are Chase, McLean, Valdez, Dare, and Zhang?" Damian asked, seemingly a bit concerned over the 50/50 split of who would and wouldn't threaten them. Usually he would have probably laughed at the idea of someone threatening the family, but these were considered the most powerful demigods in the world... it was concerning.

Nico laughed. "Oh no, they will probably threaten you too, but not as intensely as the others."

Tim set down his coffee mug. "Did you say one of them spontaneously combusts? It's that metaphorical or literal?"

"That was literal."

"I can't believe that I used to date the Oracle," Jason muttered. "How screwed is screwed when it comes to prophecies?"

Nico shrugged. "The last one set the war in motion, so pretty bad."

"When you say 'some times literally' about the bear thing-" Nico cut off Dick.

"I mean actually a bear, he is a shapeshifter. When I had the shovel talk with him when he started dating Hazel, he accidentally turned into a mouse."

They all sat there for a long moment, trying to let all the information sink in. In retrospect, they probably should have gotten more information sooner, but that was on them. "So I'm thinking that we should get all the threats out of the way first," Bruce said with a sigh. "It'll make our lives a whole lot easier to just get them all done at once."

Nico nodded. "That's smart. If you want, I have a ticket dispenser that I keep in one of my shadow pockets. It makes everything a whole lot easier."

"Why do you keep one of those with you?"

Nico shrugged. "When Leo came back from the dead, I put it there so we could be orderly when punching him after he came back to camp. Turned out to be very efficient."

Bruce pinch the bridge of his nose. "Sure, we can use that."

A/N: They are almost here! next chapter with have the demigods and Waynes. Woop Woop! Also the plot of this book is made around the random filler chapters I want to see, so you're just going to have to deal with that.

Vote. Comment. Tell me how many times you think Leo will catch on fire (I haven't decided yet, I am still writing).

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