79) Thick Thighs Are a Heavy Burden

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A/N: this one is short, but chaos is coming your way so it's fine

-Jason POV-

There were a lot of things Jason hated.


Drug dealers who targeted kids.

Sometimes his family.

But the one thing he hated more than anything was being helpless. He had worked his entire life to make himself strong— stronger than any mobster or villain he opposed back in Gotham. Yet somehow he was still locked in a room with an unconscious Tim and a very conscious Slade.

"What the hell is your endgame here?" Jason spit at the mercenary.

Slade just chuckled. "You bats really are all the same. Doesn't matter how bad the situation is, you just have to mouth off. I won't stoop to villain monologuing for a formerly dead Robin."

Jason opened his mouth to curse out Slade when another voice from the corner of the room sounded.

"If you won't answer a bat, then how about your dear ol' cousin," Nico's familiar voice said, causing Slade to turn to face the demigod. "What the hell is your end game."

Slade's full attention was on Nico, which was both smart and very stupid of the man. It was smart because they were in a very dark cell and Nico could shadow travel and just generally control the shadows; the environment was perfect for Nico. It was stupid because the second he turned his back to Jason and Tim, Damian slipped down from an air vent.

The demon put a comm in both of their ears before getting to work on silently getting them out of their restraints. 

Slade continued to trade insults with Nico while Dick's voice came through the comm. "Your team and everyone else taken is already out of the building. GK is going to distract Slade until you and Robin get out. He'll take Red Robin since he's still out cold."

Jason felt the shift in his arm restrains as they released and silently moved himself away from the wall. He didn't like the idea of leaving two of his little brother behind with Slade, but he trusted Nico to get them both out in time.

He boosted Damian back into the hole in the ceiling before silently pulling himself up as well, feeling more like a Robin than he had in years as he shimmied through the air vent, internally cursing his thick thighs.


-Bruce POV-

The second that Jason and Damian emerged from the air vents, the four of them began making their escape from the compound. They had gotten conformation that each of the captured heroes had already joined up with their designated teams, so all that was left to do before stage two was clear the building and wait for Nico and Tim.

They made it to the roof and had barely taken a step off the of the building before Dick was radioing Nico.

"Alpha is clear, Theta is a go."

They all landed and were perched in the tree line waiting for Nico to appear, or at least call a response, but the line remained silent and he was no where to be seen.

Bruce instantly began worrying that they made a mistake in trusting his son's plan to distract Slade while they got away. Deathstroke was no fool.

"Theta, do you copy?" Bruce asked into the comm. He waited a few minutes, no response, and was about to speak again when the group shook for a moment, the tree branches shuttering briefly.

"Theta copies," Nico said through the comm. "I'll be at the rendezvous in a minute."

"Copy," Bruce said, pushing down the fear that coursed through him. He knew Nico was more than capable. He knew that he had been in far more than his fair share of fights. However he also knew Slade. The man who had terrorized multiple of his sons was now facing Nico and no matter how confident he was in Nico's abilities, he was still terrified for his son.

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