51) Hotel for Dogs- I Mean Demigods

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A/N: There are a lot of different maps of Gotham, but this is the one I am using. Also, East end is right next to crime alley

After getting back to the manor, Nico immediately wanted to die again. Jason still had the same shit eating grin and Will could not meet anyone's eyes. The others tried to ask about it, but they would just change the subject every time.

Nico took his regular spot at the table, as everyone else filed in. The demigods tried to ask where the others sat so they didn't take someone's spot, but the others just told them to sit anywhere. Rachel immediately took the seat across from Nico and began chatting with Bruce about the charities he ran. Will was moving to take the seat next to the boy when Jason (the post mortem one) plopped down there and gestured to the seat next to him.

Nico gave his brother a look of confusion, but the boy just shrugged and whispered back in Italian, "just because I'm chill, doesn't mean I'm not gonna be an over protective ass."

Nico rolled his eyes as Alfred brought out the food. They all thanked him before he disappeared back through the kitchen door (no matter how many times they asked, he refused to join). Nico turned on the flame plate thing before passing it around to the others. They all muttered quiet prayers (excluding Rachel who said "to the sun man, enjoy your damn smells") before enjoying their means.

"I need to get me one of those. It will make eating at my mom's place so much easier," Percy said between bites. Alfred had heard about his love of blue food and added some dye to his mash potatoes for him.

"I actually made it a few years back. I can make you one if you want, I have all the supplies I need." Tim seemed excited at the idea of providing something to the demigod world that would make people's lives easier.

"If you can give me the schematics for them, I can pass it along to the Vulcan and Hephaestus kids. We can make a bunch and send them out to the DGs in the field," Leo said excitedly. "We could probably have them shipped by next week."

Tim nodded enthusiastically. "I can give you the designs and show you some other stuff that might be helpful after dinner."

While the two continued their chatting, Jason (the one raised by wolves) turned to him. "How are the demigods in Gotham doing? Anyone close to being moved?"

Nico finished chewing before responding. "Most of the monsters are drawn to me in Gotham so they haven't had any trouble, but one of them is turning 13 in a few months, so we'll have to move her soonish. So far it looks like she'll just become a summer camper, but you never know with this stuff."

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "What's the difference between summer campers and everyone else? Is it like skill based or something?"

Nico tried to finish chewing to answer, but Will perked up at the question. "It's actually about your mortal family. I'm a year round camper because of some family issues. I leave for Christmas every few years, but I've lived at camp since I was ten. There are about 200 summer campers, and only like 70ish year rounders."

"And there are only 2 adults in the whole place?"

Percy shrugged, "I mean a few of us made it to 18 so technically there are now more adults, but it kind of just maintained the balance since we added more cabins."

Dick stared at him for a second. "Are you saying that in past years, no Greek demigods lived to 18?"

"I mean there were a few," Annabeth said. "It was just really rare. The first time we went to New Rome, we were all shocked at how many adult demigods there were."

Reyna nodded. "We have a city mostly made up of adult demigods and legacies. First time I went to Camp Halfbood, it was extremely depressing to learn about the mortality rate."

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