chapter 2

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Green leaves swayed in the morning breeze. Behind the town that swarmed with humans was the thick canopy of trees, and a haven for wild Pokemon. This area was a protected land; trainers catching Pokemon here was a crime.

It was wonderful, the peace that the creatures would receive never ended. And one of the inhabitants to enjoy this peace was no Pokemon!

The forest was silent. The sun was only just rising over the horizon of little clouds. People and Pokemon were still resting, other than the pidgey that chirped a morning song.  The silence was sweet, until four shadows swinging in the trees awoke the peace.

"Catch up, Aipom!" Y/n was seventeen now, and it was her birthday today. Her current situation was racing three young Aipom through the trees, running along branches and swinging on the vines.

They weren't far behind her but quickly complained, "No fair!" "You must be cheating!" "No, she just gets to use the branches too!"

"I'm following your rules remember? Come on, you're meant to be experts. Sorry ekans!" As she awoke a sleeping ekans by leaping over it.

They may seem to be on an endless course, but they did have an explanation. Lucario had told her to reach a certain location - the fallen oak. He'd probably left a small surprise.

"Yes!" "Come on!" "We're in the lead, slowpoke!" Their sweet little voices teased as they finally overtook her.

The young woman began to pick up the pace. She took a huge leap off of the branch she was on and caught a vine that one of the Aipom had let swing backwards. Doing a backflip as she let go, she landed on the floor, neatly mere milliseconds before the Aipom.

They felt beat. Usually it would end in a draw. But even though they were the first to take the leap, they weren't quick enough to land first. And that was the deal. They sighed and groaned. Sore losers.

"Sorry guys. But hey, I only beat you with your help! You guys are the original tree racers, no one can beat that!" They perked up a little.

Footsteps were heard and an Ambipom called over its little friends

"Bye y/n." "Good race!" "Happy birthday, y/n!"

The teen waved her thanks and walked the rest of the way. The cool air was relaxing, and the sound of the forest calmed her soul. Gosh it was beautiful in the morning light. She reached her destination, a broken tree, laid beside it's splintered tree stump.

It was in a circular clearing, guarded by many a berry bush. This was one of her favourite places to be, besides the nest of course. A few golden flowers always bloomed at the side of the stump, and fungi grew from the tree. Don't touch those mushrooms though!

The girl yawned, and stretched, looking for her childhood friend. As if summoned, a Lucario emerged from the back of the stump. He wasn't the ordinary Lucario however, he was a regional variant. The same species with different adaptions.

His fur was black and purple, with gold between those two. The fur that looked like it should be yellow was paler, suiting his ghost typing further. His tail was long and thick, and a cape-like silk drifted off of his back.

He walked over to his friend on small black paws and hugged her upon arrival. "Good to see you this morning, y/n." It was remarkable that she could hear his handsome voice.

"You too Lu'."

"Some of the Pokemon managed to pull some stuff together for you. They're quite excited."

They headed around to the other side of the stump, when dozens of berries were visible inside. Several Pokemon she knew well yelled "surprise!" Upon her arrival. It was so sweet of them!

She thanked each one personally, and listened to the gifts they'd attributed and saw as an achievement. Next to show up were two Furret. They had something in their paws, that they held behind their backs. Yes, it required four paws for them to hold it steady.

"Lucario found this at the border, dropped by a human."

"We washed it--"

"And dried it--"

"And now--"

"It's yours! Happy birthday!" The last sentence was said in unison. They pulled out a dark, f/c hoodie with what looked like burn marks on it. They did say they'd dried it.

"Thank you! May I try it on?" She turned to her best friend in questioning. He nodded and the girl slipped it on with ease, using her psychic capabilities. It fit perfectly, and the scorch marks left from 'drying it' helped it match the rest of her attire well. "It's brilliant!"

"They were meant to say it was from them, as I spoil you far too much throughout the year." The fox said, clearly proud.

"Well they still made a contribution too," she scratched the pair of Furret under the chin, causing them to purr, "so thank you too!"

"It was a team effort." Lucario began to explain their thoughts. "We thought a new outfit might help you fit into human society."

"What? Why? You think I should leave?"

"Well, you can't stay in the forest forever. It's not natural. It's just a suggestion and you don't have to take it the wrong way. But we figured that the best time to rejoin your kind is while you old enough to still learn from them."

She was always curious of the human world. She often wondered how many people out there were like her. She didn't know if there could be anyone like her. Her powers were gifts of a Pokemon. Was it possible for her to be accepted?

As she began to worry, his black paw held her shoulder. "Y/n. I promise that wherever you go, I will. And I will always be there to protect and provide, that's what Pokemon are for. You don't need to fear. It's just something to consider."

She remembered how much she missed her family when she'd first left them. How comfortable she was around them. Maybe it was right that she should return to her world. Though it'd be a lot to get used to. It's always worth trying new things though.

"Let's do it. Tomorrow."

The Pokemon all looked shocked. "Are you sure?"

"You remember what the brother Pokemon said? 'Humans have a lesson to learn of acceptance and equality.' And then something about how I should have to face challenges too or whatever. It'll be a fun adventure for us."

The purple Pokemon beamed up at her, "agreed. Pack what you need. I'm going to train, then tomorrow we shall leave at dawn."


The wild Pokemon quickly spread the word that she was leaving. They'd come to her nest often to spread words of encouragement, love and farewells.

"Always come visit!" "Won't you?" The three Aipom that she would spent day after day playing with came to wish good luck while embraced by her arms.

"This is my home! I'll come when I can."

"Good!" "You'd better!" "We'll come look for you too one day!"

"I can't wait."

Other Pokemon took time to say goodbye. Evm one of the mythical Pokemon took time off of time travelling to visit.

"We'll all be eager for your return, but I hope you enjoy it, y/n."

She hugged the small being, tears finally falling. "Thanks Celebi. Make sure you're here when I come back."

"I'll do what I can."

They were all soon called away, their teethy smiles return to their faces as they made way for more friends to say goodbye for now. Yes. For now. She could never leave forever.

Gifts Of A Pokemon (Leon X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن