Chapter 10

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Just want to thank everyone real quick for reading so far into this book. Just to pre warn you I might not be able to write for a while after next week. Going through some stuff and don't know when I'll have access to wattpad.

So yeah, please remain patient from Wednesday onwards!

Thanks btw.


Morning had announced itself early, and we were on the move to meet Leon's 'business partners'. He hadn't actually said their names yet. Then again, I hadn't asked.

He walked calmly along the forest floor, while I remained in tree branches. I was still familiar with our location in the woods so felt safe up here, but Lucario also remained with the champion. He was never a fan of heights.

The way we were following was triggering oddly old memories. I hadn't been in this area since learning how to use moves like metal claw, then I passed the clearing that I'd make and play in piles of ice and snow. The markings I'd made were still there.

The further we walked, the more uneasy I felt. Everything I remembered, was a memory I'd pushed so far away. We kept going, and I'd keep thinking further back in time.

"Hey, Lee?" I tried to keep a steady voice. "Where are we going exactly?"

He looked up at me from the ground, "They live in an old country house. Why?"

I hopped off of the branch and ran to his side. "I just feel uneasy. This route is so familiar but seems so... wrong."

"Hey," he stopped and held my shoulder, looking at me with great concern. "If you don't think this is such a good idea, we can stop. But this will be our only chance to both meet the champion, and ask for her help."

"I know."

"What are you so worried about?"

My breaths became more shaky and I had to force myself to stop trembling. When I couldn't answer, I could only shrug.

"If you don't know what you're scared of, it's all just in your head, isn't it? Whatever has you in this state, remember I'm here to help."

I nodded and he began to continue moving. Still uncertain, I brought myself to rest my head on his shoulder. I was in too bad a panic to notice him grasp my hand in a generous response.

Again memories would keep flashing before my eyes, but it was always me and Lucario, Riolu at the time, walking in one direction. With each flashback, it was dark, I could barely see my face, and when I could I was streaming with tears.

Finally, one great image was presented to me. Two beasts, one with an angelic posture, the other looming over, demonic. And a wooden birdhouse, stone statues of the beasts on either sides.

The snap of a twig awoke me from my reminders, and I was stood towards the same shrine, no monsters glaring over it and now in the daylight. We had come to where everything began. I tore myself away from my friends and went to admire the structure.

I couldn't hear the voices behind me t first. When they quietened, I assumed Leon had figured it out. He pulled me back onto the road, claiming we'd never get there by today. There were no more memories to revisit. I knew this path.

"Lucario, are we..." I whispered, hoping he felt the same.

"Possibly. It feels familiar. But I don't quite remember the way."

"And... If we are?"

He looked at me, and I knew he was trying to make me feel better, "You said you'd missed them sometimes, correct?"

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