Chapter 11

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"This is our little champion you're looking for! I doubt you even remember Xara. But of course who could forget a sister?"

Sister?! The champion? I stared at them open mouthed. Was I meant to respond to this?

Clearly my confusion was seen. "I guess it's alright for you not to remember her. She was two at the time, and you didn't pay her much attention."

So she is around ten. Should someone that young be able to run a region? Should we have asked for an adult's help after this?

"I'll leave you to get to know each other." She turned Xara around to face her and whispered, "Maybe yo can make her feel welcome. Be patient with her, she hasn't spoken yet."

I heard that! The little girl sat down opposite me with a huge smile on her face. She looked very sweet, but I was not interested in conversation with her. Look at her, a ten year old trainer, no, champion with everything she could ever want.

That could have been me.

I heard Leon shuffle beside me, he was leaving me with this spoiled brat?! I screamed through telepathy, please don't leave me with her!

"Sorry y/n but I agree. You should get to know her."


He waved me off and that was it. I was leant over the back of the chair, and was waiting for an adult to re-enter. They never did of course. I soon faced the girl with a weary glance. She was still a beaming ray of sunshine.

"It's great to finally meet you!" She exclaimed. "They never stopped talking about you, mum and dad. They really missed you. And I think they felt guilty."

As I remained silent, she hummed to herself, clearly feeling how awkward this situation was.

"I like your Lucario. When did you catch him?"

I didn't! I had technically spoken, but only through her mind. When I sent the message, she seemed to jump out of her skin. Her reaction made me unable to resist bursting out in laughter.

"Wh-whats so funny? D-did you say that?"

I smiled evilly and decided to mess with her. Say what?

"I th-thought I heard something... Nevermind, it's probably nothing."

You sure?

I was next to be startled at her suddenly loud tone. "That's you isn't it! Stop! I'd much rather hear you in person!"

"Fine." That smile was still spread across my face and I hadn't actually noticed how teasing her warmed me up to her.

"How did you do that?" She sounded genuinely scared. Could I blame a ten year old for feeling that way?

"It's complicated."

We sat in silence a little longer before she asked more questions. "So how long have you known Lucario? Mum and dad didn't let me keep my Pokémon until they'd earned enough to look after them."

I looked away from her and hesitantly responded, "ever wonder why I wasn't here?"

"Oh." She played with her hands starting to regret asking personal questions. "How did you talk in my head?"

"Ancient spirits of Pokémon granted me their abilities. I can do almost anything your partners could."

"Cool! I wish I could do that! Or maybe I'd rather neither of us left. I never got the chance to know you."

I decided to move on. Our mother had clearly set her up to these questions. "How did you become the champion? You're surely too young."

"I beat the champion before me, and passed the assessment every new champion should take to see if they're responsible enough."

So... "The responsibility isn't too much for you?"

She looked at me blankly. "What responsibility? All it is is encouraging other trainers to become stronger and eventually I'll pass my role to someone else."

"How often do you train?"

"Should I be training?"

"If you're Pokémon aren't that powerful how haven't you been beaten yet? Why don't you take anything in your power seriously?"

"Dad caught Gallade for me a long time ago. When I was about eight, I think." She drew out a master ball. No wonder he was able to catch it. "It was already very strong, I just needed to know it's moves, and good tactics in battle."

"What else do you do as a champion?"

"Nothing outside of the Pokémon league. I don't need to." She crossed her legs and smiled, completely chilled.

I stood up and clenched my fists. She was getting on my nerves now. "This is how ended up in my situation. People like you, proud of their power and not bothered to do any good with it."

"I haven't done anything wrong!"

"You wouldn't know would you? Being the icon of this island is not about standing in your place looking pretty. It's knowing your people. Using your power to support them. And caring about what they need! You speak about your Pokémon like it's a thing! But you ignore it's feelings."

She looked down in shame. She knew I was right. I could tell she'd known for a long time. She's just a child. She is far too young to be allowed this position.

"Come on Lucario."

I stormed out of the room and set my mind on looking for Leon. There was nothing good for us here; I should have followed my gut and not let us come here. I couldn't believe this! My worst nightmare and all hope lost.

I peered into the kitchen and immediately hid against the wall as I heard him talking to my father. Naturally, the topic of conversation was me.

Leon was the first person I'd heard. "She has an incredible bond with Pokémon. If I were her I'd have done the same thing."

Then I recognised the irritated tone that almost made me lose my only friend. My father sounded so angry, "We stayed waiting eagerly for her return for eight years! And now that she has come, it wasn't even with her own knowledge of visiting her family."

"At least you know she's okay. Wouldn't it be worse if you were left to ask yourselves if she was even still alive?"

"We always hoped she'd have changed her mind, come looking for us," My mother's calm voice pitched in, "it's just a shock that you have to tell us where she's been and what's happened to her. I wish I could have helped her."

"Well at least she won't be leaving again." I saw him with a cruel smirk as he rested his hand on the table. Dear old dad never missed me, he just couldn't be seen to lose me again.

"Well I can't stay, and I don't know if she will either."

My heart was pounding with fury and my soul was aching. I felt used. I took a deep breath and stepped into the room. "He's right. By tomorrow we'll be gone."

My father's furious gaze met mine. I wouldn't let him see any weakness. After much discussion and arguments, we'd agreed to stay the night, but hadn't promised to stay long tomorrow.

As we ate (f/f) for dessert, Xara kept interviewing me. But I wasn't bothered anymore. The sooner I cooperated, the sooner I could get this over with and get out of here!

After finishing dinner before anyone else, I escorted myself to my room, ignoring my mother offering to take me up. I was not a child anymore, and they needed to accept that. So I left swiftly up the stairs and opened my door to observe the damage.

When I entered, however, there was no damage to observe. It was exactly how I'd left it. The door handle was cold and untouched, and it seemed no one had dared enter after my leaving. Dust was scattered everywhere, which I quickly cleared out with a whirlwind.

I lifted the cheap sheets and tried to achieve the impossible task of resting.

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