chapter 8

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Leon told us he'd rented an extra room at the hotel he was at. We were hesitant at first, insisting we'd be fine on the streets, but I don't think he was okay with that idea. He cares too much about others. But he seemed to only care about himself from what I saw on televisions and videos. It's hard to understand Leon.

Me and Lucario were lead down a formally decorated halls, their soft carpets coloured in diamond patterns and walls and ivory shade. I'd never seen anything like this place. The halls however are so overwhelmingly long! That many people stay here?

We walked past several doors before Leon stopped in front of us, declaring this one was for me and Lucario. We stood before door 202, and with the swipe of a key card, the door opened to the most remarkable living id ever seen!

A pair of neatly prepared beds opposed each other, a huge, clear window with white curtains either side to the left of them both. The white duvets were tucked cozily under the matching pillows, and the wall behind the beds was stained blue.

 The white duvets were tucked cozily under the matching pillows, and the wall behind the beds was stained blue

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I would not be able to pay him back for this.

I spent so much time admiring everything, from the soft carpets to the foreign view, that I hadn't noticed Leon's disappearance. I only really realised when he came in with fresh clothes and towels, provided at the hotel.

"These should help you settle in."  He dropped them on the bed id claimed. "I couldn't find any nice hoodies I'm afraid."

"That's fine, this one's important to me."

He clapped his hands and sighed, "brilliant. I can't stay up any longer after today, so I'll catch up with you in the morning."

We waved him goodnight, and me and Lucario decided to not stay up late either. I took the new pyjamas and headed for the luxurious bathroom. I love being friends with the champion.

As I brushed my teeth, I heard an odd noise. Turns out Lucario has that one loud mattress that you can hardly move on without waking anyone up.

(Can anyone relate? No? Am I the only one to always get given the squeaky, annoying bed that wakes up your  parents or siblings when travelling abroad?)

After a little while not knowing what to do with myself, I lay on the bed and combed through my hair with my fingers. It was then that I realised how soft the sheets were.

The inner child in me pulled me back out of the bed, and jumping onto the sheets, landing in the pile of pillows face first. I heard Lucario laugh beside me.

"Having fun, y/n?" He said without even trying to hide his amusement.

"Of course!" I began to shiver as a draft through the window worsened. "Starting to feel the cold though. Are the heaters working?"

He got out of his own bed to help me figure out mine. He grabbed the duvet from under the pillows, and chucked the corner over my face playfully.

"The whole point of these it to stop you from being cold! Are you that tired already?"

"Nah I knew they were there. I was just... Bored?" He knew I was lying. I sensed his disbelief. "The sheets were hidden! How was I meant to know if they even had sheets here?"

Once again I heard his low chuckle. "It's been a while since we had a man-made shelter over our head."

"Hey! Remember when the tree snapped and I had to build a leaf shelter that fit everyone in the rain? That counts as man-made! It wasn't that long." My positivity didn't last long. "I know what you mean. I often wonder how they handled it."

"It might have been difficult for them at first, but I'm sure they considered our leaving a kind gesture. Though they never took your thoughts into account, you're right to wish them prosperity. They'd be proud of your intentions."

"Hm... That's nice to hear." I let out a wide yawn and rubbed my weak eyes.

"That is enough for today."


"Its about time we rested."

"No, but I'm--" another yawn interrupted me. "Fine. Goodnight..."

My words drifted wearily off of my tongue, and my eyes began to permanently glue themselves shut. In the realm of dreams, our conversation must have encouraged my vision. I dreamt of my family. My parents, wealthier and accompanied by a smaller silhouette.

Isn't it odd how dreams work?


I awoke to a sharp pain in my arm, turned and saw my friend innocently look away, a smile on his face.

Infuriated , I kicked him in the knee to which he stumbled back. "Lu! What gives?!"

"You weren't waking up! Come on, Leon told us breakfast was being served five and a half minutes ago."

I quickly changed and grumbled in agonizing sleepiness. We walked back down the halls, having to explore our surroundings. We were almost lost, but the appearance of signs guided our way once again.

When we had returned to the lobby , we were greeted by soft electric lighting. Leon was seated at a round table with two empty seats in front of him. We sat down, and a bagel was placed in front of me. Lucario was presented with Pokémon-suitable food.

He apparently didn't have a specific plan for today. So we tried to come up with a good plan. Our best idea was for Leon to learn more about the region. Specifically, the Pokémon league system. I filled him in on anything I knew.

"Our champion, from what I've heard is quite a controversial character. They're also the youngest champion in the world."

"Do you think people can trust their decisions?"

I scoffed and replied, "I've never met em have I? People seem to feel safe here. But of course that's while I'm hidden."

He quickly pointed out, "They've never tried to find you?"

"Good point. I wonder why... The whole region is scared to have me on the loose. Do you think they were even told about me?"

"I highly doubt they don't know of your existence by now." We fell into silence. "You know it's strange... Champions are usually connected in some way of communication. But I've never met this regions champion."

"Hmm..." I didn't really know how to respond, and hoped that he would sort out whatever was on his mind.

"I have business friends who are close to the champ. Maybe we can start there?"

Hold on! "What? Since when were we trying to find the guy?"

"Ever since you needed help with society's equality issue." Wow. He was really devoted to helping me out. "If the champion earns the trust of the people, maybe they can convince them that you're not so bad."

"...Thanks... For the thought?"

"They're a while away. We'll go tomorrow. Whaddya say we take a trip to a certain forest you escaped to?"

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