chapter 3

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Within the first few days I'm hearing good things about this book so I'm just going to prepare you for what will either be really slow or really quick updates.

Please prepare for the longest chapter so far!


"We've packed a few extra berries for you if you ever get peckish, dear." The Blissey and Chansey who would always take extra precautions for the girl's needs handed over a small backpack. "Ribombee was also sweet enough to make your favourite pollen puffs."

"Thank you." Y/n looked gratefully at all of her friends. Tears were falling, and they weren't just hers. She chuckled at the sight. The teen kneeled down and hugged all the little Pokemon one last time.

Caterpie, Sobble, Scorbunny, Wooper, Eevee, Pikachu and so many more. Then she bid adieu to the older Pokemon.

Syther, Altaria, Pidgeot, Ampharos. She'd miss this place, and it's inhabitants. She waited for Lucario to return from training, and when he did, he offered to carry her bags.

He saw her upset state and whispered, "we will return. Whether it's by choice or not."

She took one last look at the green land. The tall trees. The clapping leaves. And felt the last of the gentle breeze.

They turned, and, in front of them, was a village. Or town. We hadn't quite judged how big it was. Let's assume, by how modern it is, that it's a small town. Taking a deep breath. She stepped onto the cold pavement.

I can see why humans wear shoes!

She eventually got used to the sensation, her partner beside her for every step, and they kept moving. She was greeted good morning every now and then and began to think there was nothing she had to worry about.

She passed many polite humans, and a few young, excited children. She saw a group of three gathered around a device with Rotom-like eyes and leaned over to see the moving image of a man in a cape. Even Lucario was curious.

The bright colours of a Charizard stood to his left. He flicked back long, purple hair and smiled proudly. He'd just won a battle it seemed. He held up his hand in a pose that matched the action his Charizard was doing.

The point of view switched to the audience, who did the same. Then one of those watching cried, "Leon is the best!"

She turned to her friend and asked, "My parents didn't have one of them, did they?"

"I've never seen one before. Strange how it can capture live images. I don't like the sense of it though." The girl chuckled and moved on.

The success of their trip was short lived as a distressed Murkrow began shrieking. "Team Rocket have my friends! Those cursed people. Oh I hate it here! Can't ANYONE UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED HELP?!"

Yes, was it not obvious he was upset? Why can't anyone think to investigate?! But soon, even the screams of humans could be heard from elsewhere. Y/n saw there to be no choice but to help him.

She sped over to the bird Pokemon and crouched down to his height. "Take me to them."

"Huh? You talkin to--"

"Yes take me to your friends!"

"Gladly kind madame! This way please." He fle higher than expected, and so she leapt with great strength onto one of the building's roofs. "May I say, you're quite unusual."

"Noted. Lucario! Follow us from the ground. We need an ambush from every direction."

If she were a Pokemon, she'd be using volt tackle to match the dark type's speed. She leapt from building to building with the help of the flying-type.

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