Chapter 13

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Tyrantrum swung his tail into multiple structures and people fled in terror, even more so when the powerful teenagers zipped into existence from the air. We tried to evacuate the area but somehow there were always more people in the shops and stores.

We found the Pokémons trainer, who refused to leave his friend. I understood him completely, so we took him somewhere that he'd be able to see his friend, and got some advice from him.

Finally Leon made it to the scene, unfortunately with Xara by his side. They awaited my instructions.

"Leon I need your help getting everyone out of here, Lucario, make sure there's no one trapped under the debris and Xara, stay out of our way. I'm going to find out what's up."

We separated and I took myself to face Tyrantrum. It wasn't as big as you'd expect them to be, but surely did a good amount of damage. I tried shouting it's name and holding it back with grass and psychic type moves.

Every now and then I'd see Lucario point to a pile of rubble and have to lift the boulders to release the victims. When that was dealt with, I'd focus on using status conditions against it.

I paralyzed it with thunder wave, which didn't last long enough.

I froze it with a blizzard, which it thawed through.

And a burn hardly does anything to a rock type.

It could barely feel a thing I tried. So I had to reach it with words. I held it in place with a lot of effort and drifted over to it's face.

"Tyrantrum! You have to stop! What you're doing is dangerous, for the bystanders and for yourself! I don't want anyone to get hurt, so please tell me what's wrong. I want to help you!"

It struggled a little but I felt it become less tense. It didn't seem to speak, but I kept talking to it. "They all tried to stop you by attacking didn't they? They didn't think to slow you down instead?"

It groaned, and looked at a pair of shaking bushes. I recognised their aura. Team rocket. "We'll deal with them. What did they do?" I released it from my power.

I clawed around with broken nets on the floor. The it showed me a burn mark on its skin. They'd electrocuted the nets, and electricity that's not from a Pokémon can do severe damage.

I held my hand against the wound, which made it flinch, then healed it, slowly and gently. Once recovered I stuck to the ground, as I had a feeling that doing so made it feel more comfortable. I patted it's leg and lead it back to the young man waiting for it. He would take care of it, they had a strong bond.

Finally I restored the appearance of the city. Rebuilding the structures, I ignored the crowd behind me, gossiping and cheering. I couldn't care less about their approval anymore. They were all safe. That matters more.

While finishing the last repairs, Leon walked up to me. "Well done y/n. You made the right call."

"If she was going to do nothing to actually help, someone had to. She shouldn't have been burdened with this responsibility just because her Gallade is a high level."

"I agree. And what you said to her was very wise."

"It was your wisdom, Leon. It just was heard from me that time."

He scoffed, "I'm trying to say I'm proud of you in the least weird way but your kinda ruining it."

"It's weird anyway."

"Welp. I tried." I felt a small tap on my shoulder, and as I turned round I tried not to look too disappointed.

Xara was fiddling with the Pokéball in her hands and held her head down. "I challenge you."

"To? It could be anything when you say that. Is it a who can eat a bowl of pasta the fastest?"

She breathed heavily and continued, " I challenge you to a champions match. If I win, I hold my title, if I lose, you become the regional champion."

Why? "I don't want the fame or any of that, why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm clearly doing something wrong. I can't look after everyone like you do. It's for the good of the region."

I was hesitant. I looked at the gathering crowd in shock and awe as they all beamed at me. Everything had changed so quickly. It was so overwhelming, I found it hard to adjust to the new view of me.

It's for the good of the region. Hesitantly I have her my answer. "Then I accept the challenge."


And so it began, the battle id either love or hate to change my path. So far, things were looking up to me coming out on top, but I'd still ask myself whether I wanted this or not.

Being a champion match, the locals were invited to watch. Them and many others throughout the region. If I won, they'd want to know what their new champion would be like I suppose.

We stormed through Xara's Sandslash and Starmie before things actually started getting hard. She next sent out a Sableye, which we had to be quick to avoid. I was slowly beginning to forget what this was for. Was that how all trainers feel?

After striking the Sableye for one last time with shadow claw, it fell to the ground dizzy. It always pained me to see them faint from exhaustion. But again, I'd move on quickly. Lucario had taken quite a few hits from the little gremlin, but I hoped it wasn't  too much yet.

She threatened us yet again with a Crobat. It's aerial ace while holding a sharp beak did critical damage to Lucario. I cheered him on, connecting to him through our auras and almost battled with him. Using ghost type moves it was eventually taken down.

An Ampharos was next to show up and was so irritating, having to paralyze Lucario and eliminating our chance of using ice punch, and I wasn't sure if it would stop shadow sneak ( cause Google wouldn't tell me)

We kept our moves down to aura sphere and shadow claw. We began by using aura sphere which was less effective than our next moves would be. After chipping away a good amount of its hit points, and getting caught off guard by thundershock, we ended it with a shadow claw.

Lucario stood shakily, holding his ground and breathing heavily. This was finally getting to me. "Lucario, we need to stop! You're hurt!"

No. I'm willing to keep going.

"Are you really sure you can keep going?"

Yes. This is what the ancients wanted you to achieve, I'm sure of it. We won't give up now.

"Fine." I smiled back at him while he smoothed down his ruffled purple fur.

We both drew the same deep breath as Xara reluctantly drew out her Gallade. Her ace had the same strengths and weaknesses as last time. The only difference was that she had the health advantage. We were exhausted and paralyzed.

Still restricted to two moves, I told Lucario to chip away at its health again with aura sphere. It was hardly effective, but the quicker he moved the more likely it would land a hit. Lucario was so quick to regenerate the move that Gallade could hardly retaliate.

When it did however, we had to avoid a storm of psycho cuts. I'd told him to block it the way I had before, then, when it had stopped, he readjusted the move to finish Gallade's attempts.

That last attack ended the match. The pitch was quiet for only a few seconds before it erupted in excitement. We had done it. Changed the fate of these people. And they didn't seem too upset about it. I took a heavy breath and accepted what had happened.

I would now be the champion of this region.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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