chapter 4

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With Leon

Standing in front of a large window overlooking his region, was a purple haired man with golden eyes. He was watching out of a tall building in Wyndon, awaiting to be called on for yet another championship match.

Only a few young trainers remained in the tournament to challenge him, and a few of the leaders close to him. No one had beaten him for many a year. Yet he never grew bored of it.

The sun was setting, leaving a glow of purple and gold among the horizon. The cities below and the wild areas just visible were active with night lights. Galar was beautiful.

"Leon, may I have a word?" A man in a neat, grey suit and and tie walked from behind the champion of Galar.

Leon smiled in reply, "Of course Rose. What do you need?"

"Something has come up. And I'm afraid it will invade on your plans for the championship match."

Knowing where this was going, he wondered, "Where do you need me? But I'm not doing anything about wooloo invading the slumbering Weald again."

"This task requires you to travel abroad, actually." Now he was interested. The chairman cleared his throat. "On a region made of many islands, there have been controversial events. No one can determine if it was an attack or a rescue."

"What? I'm sure they are two very different events."

His boss looked at him sincerely. "The cause was someone said to wield the power of a Pokemon. They freed the Pokemon who had been captured by the organisation, team Rocket. But they also terrified the citizens. I know it makes little sense. That's why I agreed to have you investigate."

"I never have a say in these things do I?"

"Wouldn't you go anyway?" Leon nodded, amused. "All we need you to do, is find them, and have them interrogated by the region authorities. Or find out enough about them to know if they're friend or foe."

"Got it. When do I leave?"

The chairman patted his shoulder. "Whenever you're ready. But don't ignore this, please. For everyone's reputation here."


The morning that followed was productive. Chairman Rose and Leon were taking a Corviknight taxi to the closest spot in the region to where the chaos ensued. However, the ride was very unpleasant. Suppose the Corviknight driving was new to the job.

Through each bump and shake of the van, rose gave another detail about the region and the situation.

"You're looking for a long haired girl with a burnt f/c hoodie, and who hangs around a Lucario- the regional variant that is. That is the best description we could get according to witnesses."


"Your only problem is tracking her."

The skysick champion glared at him in disbelief, "You're not going to tell me where to look?"

"Well..." He tried to find the words. "she went missing after being chased down by a mob of scared and angry people. I'm sure you'll have no trouble. Charizard can track things, right?"

His companion face palmed while laughing. But his laugh was cut off as the Corviknight made another lazy flap of its wings, causing the car to jump again.

They approached a beautiful island, one of many, this one covered in trees and small towns or villages. It was clear that anyone who hated a crowd would definitely come here.

Without much time to admire the land, they landed softly. Shocking when compared to the rest of the ride.

Rose gave the champ a map of the island they stood on, and one of the whole region just in case. They shook hands and the chairman gave him a few extra details that he'd forgotten to mention:

"You've got about five days to prove this girl's innocence before you're needed to get ready for the tournament. Those young trainers don't deserve to be kept for long. And if you need any assistance to find her, Raihan said he'd be happy to help."

Thinking of his rival stealing his glory, "I doubt that'll be necessary. See you in five days sir."

"You won't be back sooner?"

"You kidding? I'm on vacation! Bout time I took a break."

Rose chuckled heartily. "And you deserve it. Good luck!"

At this Leon was waving the taxi off and used the map to head towards the girl's last seen location. He decided to do some souvenir collecting on the way. Hop would surely love to see the unique Pokeball made here. And he had to bring back the native berries.

Other than a few of his fans glaring at and asking for autographs of the world's strongest trainer, it was pleasantly quiet.

He took a moment to appreciate his map. Luckily, Chairman Rose had marked any possibly useful locations that could be used to find her. After consideration, he recalled that a few individuals had claimed to see her leaving from the edge of a forest. So he'll start there.

There was a clear separation between the human and Pokemon worlds. The only difference between this region and others, was that there was much more forest than man made land. In Galar, this situation was just swapped around.

There wasn't much to see at this site, but a sign that stated that some of this forest would be removed. A shame really. He could only hope that the Pokemon were to be protected.

After little to no evidence, he headed over to the town square. This was another witness site. Where she vanished. Yet there was no sign. He sat on the side of a fountain , feeling no hope. Until he overheard someone speaking of a relevant topic.

"Team Rocket have completed blocked off the shortcuts we use in the alleyway."

"They want that girl, don't they? She's become a part of their quest."

Leon stepped up from behind the fountain, and walked over to where they stood. "Why do they want her?"

One of the men beamed upon his showing, "oh! Hey, you're --"

"Yes I know very well who I am, but, team Rocket, what do they want with her? She's why I'm here."

"Oh good. I'm glad they got a professional to deal with her. They don't want her. They want her power, duh."

"She's probably going to become a science experiment to them." The other man tuned in. "Like in sci-fi films."

"They've tracked her down to that labyrinth of alleyways, if you're looking for her."

"Thank you."

The man in tournament uniform hurried away and followed the directions. In the corner of his eye, a fox-like silhouette came into view, and also turned quickly away. A Lucario! He was on the right track.

He kept on walking towards the alleys and was stopped by the scratch attack of a Kantonian Persian. The scratch had scarred his lower leg and the schock had pinned him to the ground. His attacker purred in delight, seeing it's damage dealt on a human being. Suppose that was a rare occasion.

From behind the feline, a man in a black suit appeared and stared down at the stunned champion.

"Well this has gotten interesting. Looks like we have our bait, Persian."

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