chapter 5

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I'm so sorry I left you hanging for so long! I was quite distracted, and I'll try to be better. You guys deserve it!


"What a pleasure it is to meet the strongest trainer in this world! And what perfect timing you have."

The champion of Galar, still leant on the floor, pushed himself away from the leader of team Rocket. Giovanni was an intimidating man, tall, and wearing a business suit. He and the other grunts had blocked off each corner of the alley.

"I didn't expect such an honourable visit! I wish I could have given someone so important a more formal welcome. Persian, do apologise." Not like it would.

Leon groaned, pain throbbing at his leg, "why can't you leave her alone?"

"Who might you be referring to?"

"You know who it is. You're using her! Because she holds the power of a Pokemon!"

"We would never do such a thing to an innocent child! In surprised. I thought someone like you would be a lot nicer."

"She's a kid?!" He whispered to himself, and went over what rose had told him. He wasn't told she was a child, but still it must be her! "You do know who I'm talking about then! Why are you tracking her?"

He smirked, "Because, great Champion Leon, she's dangerous. Or so the witnesses say."

"So I'm trying to prove her innocent, and you're using her to look more powerful."

"You weren't sent to deal with a danger such as this? People won't want to see her in good light, after what she did to my loyal followers." He pointed towards two people and a meowth looking cautiously into the alley. "They want to see their own safety, or to have her under control!"

"That would be an efficient plan. But if the world's strongest Pokemon trainer is on her side, who do you think they'll follow?"

His enemy pondered over this for a moment before giving the order, "Persian, eliminate the real threat of our plans. We'll find a way to get him back to Galar later. For now, his suffering will draw her out."

And so the feline clawed at Leon further, and cried out in pain, trying to push his attacker away. However he alone couldn't force the Pokemon to stop. He tried to reach his Pokeballs and could never quite get to Charizard. To his surprise though, the ambusher stopped on it's own, looking at the alley uneasily.

A team Rocket grunt ran out of the alley, terrified. He tried to alert Giovanni of something coming, but was cut off as a blast of dark energy was released. The pulse pushed every man there out of the way. And revealed the target.

Stood in the middle of the pathway, was a teenage girl, (long/short) haired with a mask covering her face, and glowing blackish/purple eyes, their colour matching that of the dark pulses. But they soon returned to (e/c). As the dust settled, Leon saw the dark purple Lucario from the roof beside her.

Her partner Pokemon quickly snapped it's head towards him, and he could almost feel it sensing his aura. It moved its gaze again to the enemy, and crouched down, ready to attack. The girl moved her head in the most subtle nod, and the Pokemon zoomed out in ambush.

Any of the men who were sitting up or about to stand were immediately struck down by shadow claws and mach punch. It was remarkably strong, and not at all hesitant to harm them. The two must have been through a lot to want to strike so hard.

Leon was so mesmerised, but that was short lived as his vision was blurred with a pale green light. He looked down, and marvelled in the fact that his scars were gone.

But he hadn't noticed that the girl had vanished too. When he realised that she must of healed him, there was one thing to do. Thank her!

Now left with nothing else he'd want to see, he chased after her in the same direction she emerged. Anyone could notice the dread that appeared on his face when he realised that it was indeed a labyrinth in there.

He took a Pokeball from his belt, and pressed the button in the centre of it. Blue light was released and the fire/flying type Charizard was present. He roared with might, but stopped with embarrassment at Leon shushed him.

"Don't make any noise!" He looked at the Pokemon in irritation, "we're not here to impress and sign autographs now! You need to help me find her in this maze." He pointed to the sky above the buildings. "Don't be seen. She may find you a threatening. Navigate the maze."

The dragon grunted in agreement and flew over the houses. The champion sat against a brick wall and waited.


Jet-lagged, the man in tournament uniform had already drifted into sleep while awaiting for his Pokemon to return. No one could blame him. The two hours time difference was a lot for him to deal with.

But he didn't have long to catch up as Charizard returned successfully. Pleased, Leon patted him on his scaly neck, and followed his directions.

Now with the ability to pass each dead end, the path seemed more obvious. He tried not to judge the safety of her choice though. He slowly began to pick up the pace, not sure when team Rocket would wake up. He called Charizard back with the feeling that he was close.

He took a few more turns down the alley that by appearance, seemed to repeat itself. Left, right, right, left another right. He forced himself to stop, as he felt tired enough to collapse. He leant against one of the many brick walls.

One of the Pokeballs on his belt shook, as if telling him to keep going. "Later, Charizard. I just need a minute." He rested his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.

Catching his breath didn't take long, but he decided to give up for a moment longer. That is until footsteps approached. They were light and quiet, but loud enough to be noticed. He was filled with the unnerving feeling of dread, but didn't quite understand why.

He appeared awake again, and his golden eyes were met with the regional Lucario's red ones. He gasped, not quite expecting it to be so close to him. It took a few more seconds watching him before turning and walking down the path to his left.

Surely Lucario was trying to lead him the right way. So Leon followed it.

He was soon proven to be right. Another dead end looked over him, but here he could see the shape of a person sat behind a few boxes with their legs tucked up to their chin.

The Lucario patted their shoulder and spoke in its own language. The girl he'd been looking for turned her head towards him, but in shock backed away, leaning against the wall behind them all.

Finally. "Please don't be scared. I promise I'm not here to hurt you. If anything, I'm trying to help. What's your name?"

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