Chapter 6

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Hey so I had no idea that I'd turned this into a 1st person pov and realised like halfway through so I'm so sorry if you hate it but I can't even be bothered to fix it.

Try to enjoy:)


"What's your name?" I couldn't respond. Well, I could but I wouldn't. I wouldn't bring myself to speak. I was ready to strike if he came much closer, but as I looked to my right, Lucario wasn't so defensive, so I began to relax.

Instead, Lucario walked up to my side and smiled at me. He sensed something in this man's aura. I couldn't tell what it was, but I will trust my partner.

A black mask was rested on the bridge of my nose, and I intended to keep it there. I felt more isolated when wearing it, and so for some reason I felt safe.

"Do you... Have a name?" Why was my mouth so dry?! I simply nodded, which at least told him I understood. "Can you speak?" I nodded once more. "Cool, cause I'm afraid I don't know sign language."

He was being so nice! Why? He has only just seen my face and yet he spoke to me as if we were childhood friends!  I'd never met someone so kind since... My mother.

My grip on the cold and rough bricks began to loosen, yet I wasn't entirely confident enough to leave my corner. I looked up at him miserably, and lowered myself in exhaustion. Healing his scars was difficult enough.

"May I come closer?" He asked after Lucario joined me, seated on the cobblestone.

I looked towards my purple friend, who reassured me, "his aura is not like the others'"

Lucario was never wrong, so I nodded, and the man sat beside us, slightly at an angle that allowed him to face us. I looked away, still lacking the courage to speak. But he began to speak for us.

"I'm Leon," he began, "I'm the champion of Galar, a region not too far from here. If you spend your time in here, I doubt you've heard of me."

Of course, I had. From those three people watching that Pokemon battle as I passed. As a sign of recognition, I took a moment to figure out how to recreate the Charizard pose with my hand, then showed him, playfully.

"Where'd you see that?" Leon chuckled at the sight of his signature pose. "Gosh it's so much weirder when I'm not just trying to impress toddlers."

I waved my hand in front of his face just to rub it in, which made him laugh harder, and even putting a smile on my face. Lucario nudged me and said, "see? Give him a chance."

(Yes I am using italics for Pokemon speech now.)

He saw our interaction, of course he would only hear the Pokemon making odd noises resembling it's name. "Can you.. Talk to them?"

I nodded in response and held my knees closer to my body.

"That's really cool! I often wonder what Charizard says to me. I'd imagine he's quite rude." He joked.

At the mention of that Pokemon, I began to shake his arm, am excited smile on my face.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to meet it!" I hadn't quite realised that it had been said out loud until he laughed and responded. But I felt I shouldn't care. Finding the guts to open my mouth clearly made him happy.

"Okay then, hold on!"

He reached his belt and revealed a Pokeball. Personally I don't appreciate Pokeballs. Sure they're good to give a mon a break, but some trainers must use them cruelly. A Pokemon has the right to be free, and not many appreciate that.

Leon pressed the button on the device, and, in a flash of blue light, the silhouette of a Charizard began to form. The colour faded and a regular Charizard appeared.

Regaining strength, I got up and walked towards it. I'd never actually seen them, in the wild of course. They'd rather live in caves and are too big for forests.

It lowered its head to me. I patted it's nose and smiled. "Hello! I'm y/n."

"So you're the one he's been looking for." It simply said.

But why... "Why has he been looking for me? How did he know about me from Galar?"

I trusted the Pokemon I'd just met to answer all my questions. It looked quite shocked and embarrassed by the fact I could hear it, but it's trainer stopped it from speaking again.

"Charizard!" Leon warned, "That's confidential." The dragon huffed.

"What's confidential mean?" I asked, losing trust in him.

"Nah, nothing, but basically we were looking for you after what a few locals said. And to thank you for dealing with those cuts that Persian gave me. Honestly, we wanted to prove your innocence."

I hummed in acknowledgement before turning back to the fire type. I stroked his scaly neck and admired his big wings. He was awesome!

Suddenly, yells were heard in the distance. Team Rocket were coming back! I saw Lucario get worked up, but he stood in a fighting stance and prepared for directions. I thought for a moment of how to get everyone out of there.

"Lucario," I pointed at the roof of a building behind us, "make sure there aren't any threats waiting up there. Charizard, could you take Leon up once the coast it clear?"

The two Pokemon agreed, Lucario was almost at the top of the building. We saw his head turn, watching the whole area. He soon hopped back down and reported to me.

"There is a few men up there in some flying machine. They are waiting for us to escape from up there. Are we still --"

"Yeah, we're going to have to go up that way. We'll just keep running. Leon, you'll be going with Charizard. Just keep moving until you're out of sight."

The champion clearly tried to argue, but Charizard had already taken him up. Lucario waited for me, as I gathered all of the dust and sand from the ground. With the gravel, I created a huge sandstorm at the end of the path, right as the grunts came into sight.

That'll slow them down. Me and my friend then jumped from boxes to windowsills, eventually reaching the roof. From there a huge... what was it...oh yeah. A huge helicopter with he team Rocket logo was waiting, I could see the Charizard flying off without a challenge.

So they were only interested in dealing with me. Okay. It was nothing a whirlwind couldn't damage. With the power of the wind, the blades began to break and the men had to evacuate. We kept running, the vehicle destroyed and evacuees chasing us.

We followed Leon and Charizard. We ran for miles. I couldn't continue and so, now that no one was behind us, I collapsed on the roof of a flat. My breaths were uneven but eventually they caught up.

Lucario used shadow claw to reach for Charizards foot, to let them know we could stop. The flew in our direction and Leon joined me on the floor as they landed.

He chuckled to himself and sighed. "Well that was fun."

"How could it possibly be fun? I don't understand."

"I've dealt with people like this for years. Eventually it feels like a frustrating strategy game. You may understand later."

I thought to myself for a moment, "Yeah! I get it. Fun." He laughed, which made me smile too. And this time, my face mask having fallen down, he could see my expression.

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