chapter 12

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Sorry for the delay. Had a lot on my mind and lacked the necessary motivation. I'm trying the best I can to keep on top of this.

I also blame my choice of writing a Pokémon battle in this chapter which made this even harder.


From now I knew Leon had only two days before departure. We'd hopefully make the most of it once we left this undesirable place. I was staring at the blank walls of my former room after a restless night.

Lucario had come in around midnight and lay on the floor by my feet. I could tell he wanted to leave, but also believed this place deserved a second shot. This was becoming evermore difficult to handle. Hopefully we'd be leaving today.

Yeah right.


"We have nowhere we need to go, why not just stay in one place for once and relax?" Leon seemed very optimistic, but his choice of words made him seem fed up.

"There's nothing for us here either! We could be anywhere else right now, please!"

"I know it doesn't seem fair how you were raised when you were younger, but you don't have to be this childish." I was slightly silenced by this. "These people never meant to hurt you or Lucario. They're your family, yet they hardly know you. Please just try to give them a chance before you storm off again."

I sighed heavily, my voice sore and tired. I didn't want to be alone again. He knew I'd have no other choice but to remain here. "Fine"

"Great. I think it'll do you some good too."

He gave me that warm smile that brightened my day and put a tower of clean plates in the cupboard above him before leaving me to my business.


I lay on the almost horizontal roof, tossing a ball in my hand. I could hear Xara calling for me below but when I saw her I chose to ignore. She wore an adventurous jacket and held a Pokéball in her hand. I'd never battled before, but I knew that was what she wanted.

I felt Lucario join me silently. His aura felt calm and collected. "How are you so peaceful after what they did?"

"I moved on. Accepted that they did what was best for them."

"Good answer." Once again I hear my name from the ground. "She's still trying to challenge you?"

"No. She's trying to challenge you. She asked me where you were."

"You weren't followed were you?"

"As if she understood my response."

I scoffed and smiled. We had a slight pause before Lucario reminded me of my role as a big sister.

"She looks up to you. And it's because your different. She's fascinated by your bond with Pokémon because she's got nothing like that. Maybe you could tell her what's wrong. Teach her how to escape her longing for attention."

"You think that's her problem?"

"Yes. She is the face of her region. She feels the admiration poured onto her and does nothing in return. Leon taught you a lot about responsibility and she never had anyone to teach her."

"You want me to pass his wisdom onto Xara?" He nodded. A confident smile was spread across his face. He was right. In the hands of someone so young this land was in danger. "It's not just his wisdom that'll be shared, it's yours. Let's go then."

We hopped our way down the side of the house by stepping on the window sills. The country house was quite small, so it didn't take long to meet up with everyone again.

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