Chapter 13

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Since the last Encounter with Kelsey Harlem has been down energy and all, he even got laid off of work for a week because of it

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Since the last Encounter with Kelsey Harlem has been down energy and all, he even got laid off of work for a week because of it.

Finishing his blunt he put it out watching kiya his baby momma walk in and he instantly felt the room flip into negative energy.

"Wh- nigga the fuck is your problem?"kiya mugged taking a seat on the couch with a subway sandwich.

"Your energy just throwing me off dude"Harlem shook his head about to roll another blunt.

Around this time kiya was 8 months pregnant and Harlem was just ready for her to drop because this was not the kiya he risked a perfect relationship for all honesty he just wanted Kelsey.

Harlem has sent many flowers to Kelsey's job and house also gifts to show how sorry he was since he knew Kelsey was more of a "actions speaks louder than words" typa person which he loves about her.

"What's really the problem? because you've been acting differently and moody with not only me but people around you and I'm sick off it bro Im pregnant with your heavy ass baby already stressed you making it harder."kiya voice started to get shaky .

Harlem knew she was finna cry but he just couldn't tell her he didn't want her no more , especially not right now since she was pregnant . all he wanted was to make it right with Kelsey.

"I'm sorry baby , I'm finna go buy you whatever you want" Harlem stood up grabbing his keys "text me all the shit you want"

Harlem rushed out the house making sure he lock his house door before getting in the car

The truth was he was finna go see Kelsey to slowly make his was back into her life ,he knew he did her wrong and he woke up with that regret and guilt everyday he wanted to make things right. Matter fact he needed  to make things right.

Harlem knew she wasn't over him because the last time he went to see Kelsey she had on the bracelet he'd gotten her for their second anniversary which kinda gave him hope and was forcing him to make it right . He felt as if she was his soulmate he wanted all his children with her

He wanted a life with her , Harlem knew Kelsey was a good girl everything about her was perfect. But Harlem was far too cocky he knew she wouldn't move on , he was her first everything they shared soul ties.

By now Harlem was about 1 min away from Kelsey spot but the closer he got the more nervous he got it was like the time he picked her up for their first date

He hated that he was back at square one with her he wished things didn't play out the way they did honestly.

Harlem pulled up in her driveway taking a deep breathe rethinking his whole plan but for some reason he still went through with it .

"You got this Harlem"he whispered to himself before quickly hopping out the car making his way to her door

Walking up to the door he knocked twice before you could hear Kelsey's voice "here I come".

"He- Harlem ... wha- what is it?" She stumbled over her words .

Kelseys glow up after their breakup was some dangerous, her skin was more clear,her hair had grown , body looked perfect, and lips was more plumped .

"Can I speak with you inside ?" Harlem questioned hoping she didn't say no

It was quiet for a few seconds before she opened the door wider letting him in- Harlem entered her place instantly being hit with memories they shared in this house

From the game nights , movie nights , cooking together, the sex , the laughter , he missed everything it kinda made him emotional .

"What Harlem ?" Kelsey folded her arms ready to listen to him.

"Kelsey I miss you so fucking much i honestly don't think I can move on from you , you were the best thing that ever happened to me "Harlem pleaded looking at her with sad eyes .

Kelsey wanted to fold so bad but she refuse to be that sucka hoe every again she vowed to always put herself first and to never put a nigga before her ever again .

"Harlem ... there's nothing I can do about that I don't want to be with to you anymore like I don't think you understand how bad you hurt me and belittled me as a person" Kelsey shook her head .

"I do under- no. No you don't understand because if you did you would've stopped with the gifts and popping up at my place , if you understood you would give me the Space I been asked for"Kelsey cut him off leaving him stuck .

"I tried but I just can't no matter how hard I try something just tell me to come back all the time like I said I can't get over you , but I'm here to win you back I just atleast want to be your friend."Harlem explained.

He knew he didn't wanna be her friend but it was better than not having her in his life at all .

"Friends?" Kelsey scrunched her face up "Harlem you don't want to be my friend we both know that Harlem just please could you give me space and I'll think about it ."

"Okay I'll give you space but before I go can I atleast get a hug?" Harlem asked

Kelsey hesitantly moved in and gave Harlem a hug giving him the chance to take it her vanilla scent that he remembered and loved

"Bye Harlem" and pushed him back making him smile

"Bye Kelsey"

Thoughts on Kelsey and Harlem being friends ?

Harlems pov yall want more ?

Sorry for the late update in the process of moving and hella online work .

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