The hunters hunt me for no apparent reason

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Percy's POV—

It's been so long. I never knew that five mortal years had passed, instead of five Tartarus months.

I breathed in the air, grateful for some oxygen that didn't smell like Tartarus' pits. Hehe, get it? No? Eh, whatever.

I found a stream and immediately drank it after purifying it. At least I didn't need to eat. I already had plenty of drakon meat stew in my magical sack. Although, I was craving for something else. Like blue cookies. I hiked through the woods, hoping to find my way somewhere.

"Halt!" I heard a voice, feminine by the sound of it. "Who are you, and what are your means of coming here?" Shoot. I didn't know that the Hunters were going to be here. Just my luck. Thanks a lot, Nemesis.

"Just passing through." I rasped, turning around slowly. Dam. My voice must've gotten hoarse from the poisonous air in Tartarus.

"Show yourself." I recognized Thalia and another young hunter and felt a pang of hurt. She didn't betray me, at least, I don't think so. "We must know if you are a friend or a foe."

"I'm...on neutral terms, you could say." I spun on my heel to walk back, but I felt the whistling of an arrow slice through the air. I deflected it with my sword, Sicarius, and scowled.

"It's not nice to shoot people who clearly don't want anything to do with you." I chided. Thalia faltered for a bit.

"You don't seem like a monster." She said carefully. "But we just want to make sure." My eyes flashed angrily.

"I am a monster, Thalia Grace. But you wouldn't understand. You would never understand." I shook my head as I vapor traveled up a tree a couple yards away before she could say anything else.

"H-how did he know my last name, milady?" Thalia murmured, so quietly that I had to strain my ears to catch it all.

"I don't know, Thalia." The other hunter said. "Only Annabeth, Luke, Jason, and Percy know your last name, and that man doesn't seem like any of them." Recognition stirred my memories, and I distinctly remembered Artemis. It was Lady Artemis. Artemis was here. Godsdammit.

"How did he teleport out? And what did he mean by a monster?" Thalia rubbed her temples in confusion.

"If he is a monster, we must hunt him down." Oh no you don't. Nemesis made sure that this cloak was untraceable. I shifted in my tree uncomfortably, not knowing that I made a branch snap.

Artemis froze. "Someone is listening." She hissed. I stiffened. Uh oh.

"Up there!" Thalia pointed at me. Artemis drew her bow in a blink of an eye and an arrow made of moonlight hurtled towards me. I leaped out of the tree, cursing under my breath.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to get the goddess and a very angry Thalia off my tail. I did the mistake of running into their camp. Stupid Percy.

I was surrounded.

3rd Person—

Percy cursed as dozens of hunters drew their bows in defense. He whipped out Sicarius, knowing that it could deflect arrows, but not quickly enough.

"Woah, guys, I don't want any trouble..." He slowly backed away but felt a sharp thing shock him in the back. Thalia's spear.

"Show yourself, monster." She snarled. At the sound of monster, every hunter tensed.

"Hmm...nah, I'll pass." He spun his sword casually, trying to think of a logical plan. "I told you, I don't want any trouble. Please get out of my way before you get hurt." Thalia scoffed.

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