Don't mind me, just filling in some plot holes...

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I just realized.

100+ VOTES



Anyways that's irrelevant sorry

I noticed when I was rereading this that there are a lot of plot holes so I'm filling those in sorry I didn't do it earlier

1) Percy bathed in the River Styx with his hood up, so the Styx didn't detect that it was Percy and gave him the blessing. Even though the water from the Little Tibet washed it off permanently for the Styx, it didn't identify it since the cloak and anything that's under it is untraceable.

2) People cannot guess who he is! There is extreme magic on this hood (if you read KOTLC, this works like an addler) so they're memories are muddled when they try to guess who he is

3) When Kronos was expelled from Luke, his essence wasn't completely chopped up to pieces like last time since hestia stole his scythe. That's how he rose so quickly, if that's what you're wondering.

4) do not beg me for spoilers. It's not fun anymore and then I can't be evil and kill someone in surprise

That's it for now, see you next chapter!

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