Another quest. Yippee.

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Don't ask me how it's even remotely possible, but 2k views.


not that I'm complaining, of course but HOW

3rd Person

"Ah, Agnostos." Reyna nodded politely at him as he entered the building. "I would like to have a word with you."

"Yes?" He raised a brow as her two automaton  dogs growled at him.

"Lord Hermes said that you are...a being from Tartarus and have accompanied Perseus Jackson through the pit before his capture." She continued, folding her hands diligently. "May I ask you to take off your hood for this journey? My fellow Praetor, Frank Zhang, is uneasy of your presence." Agnostos huffed.

"No thank you. I'd prefer to keep this hood on as to not accidentally kill anyone if they looked at me." He pursed his lips. Reyna frowned.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?!" Aurum stepped a little closer to Reyna, snarling.

"I am a monster. Agnostos, Monster of the Unknown. Take one look at me and it'll probably kill you." He said smoothly, as if introducing himself casually. She blinked.

"One more thing." She said at last.

"And what's that?" He asked. She sucked in a breath.

"Percy Jackson was my fellow Praetor once. He was a good friend." She caressed her dogs' head. "Promise me that you will do anything in your power to avenge him to Kronos."

"I promise, Reyna." He smiled slightly. She looked satisfied, dismissing him with a wave of her hand.

"You're alive!" Hermes grinned as he walked out of the building. Percy chuckled.

"Of course I am." He smirked, hopping down the steps. "Where's Frank and Hazel?"

"Right here." Frank said, his voice low and guarded. "Hello, Agnostos."

"Ah, the legendary Frank Zhang. What a pleasure." He said sarcastically, holding out a hand to shake. He didn't shake it, instead pulling Hazel closer.

"Alright," Hermes broke the awkward silence by clapping his hands together. "I have a couple of supplies to give you all. Drachmas, ambrosia, nectar, snacks, a bottle of my vitamins, and you each get a free delivery from the Hermes' Express!" He held out three backpacks full of everything they needed.

"Thanks, Hermes." Hazel smiled sweetly.

"Thanks." Frank mumbled, taking the backpacks.

"Where do we go first?" Hermes asked Agnostos. "It's not like we can just ask a random monster where Kronos' lair is."

"I'm a monster." Agnostos said unhelpfully. Hermes facepalmed.

"The prophecy doesn't say anything, does it?" Hazel asked.

"The god of thieves must join the quest

To rescue one who knows him best

With two half-bloods who share a link

He'll face a monster on the brink

But one of them will turn their back

And lead them to a deadly trap." Hermes recited.

"Ok. I am not letting Agnostos lead us to Kronos." Frank crossed his arms.

"I'm not surprised. There's so much monster discrimination around now." Agnostos sniffed. Hazel elbowed Frank.

A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson betrayed fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum