'I heart New York City' shirts are dam expensive

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Chiron rubbed his temples. Another prophecy in two days? Apollo was on a roll.

When it was time for dinner, Chiron stamped his hooves to get everyone's attention.

"Demigods!" Chiron called out. "We have another prophecy quest." Murmurs and whispers of excitement sounded throughout the dining pavilion.

"Who will be going?" One camper asked.

"Well, Agnostos will be going as well. Does anyone else wish to volunteer? We need three demigods." The pavilion went silent, and Agnostos rolled his eyes from the guest table.

"But he's a monster!" Another camper protested.

"The prophecy specifically said to bring a 'beast', so it was either Tyson or Agnostos. Tyson, unfortunately, cannot join us, so Agnostos was kind and volunteered." Chiron sent a pointed look at Agnostos.

"What's the quest for?" Annabeth asked.

"You will find out if you volunteer, Ms. Chase." Chiron said curtly. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"I'll go." Nico said from his dark corner of the Hades table. "It's getting boring in camp."

"I'll go too." Jason offered.

"Very good." Chiron nodded in approval. "We just need one more."

"But it's always been three people." Piper said. "Last time more than 3 people went, two of them never came back." A tense atmosphere settled onto the campers, and Chiron shuffled his hooves awkwardly.

"Uhm...alright, fine! I'll go." Annabeth complied. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible." Chiron said. "This quest is extremely important. In fact, the fate of Olympus may rest on this quest. Once you have finished eating, meet me inside the Big House. We need to talk."

After that, the four that volunteered scarfed down their food as fast as they could and followed Chiron into the Big House.

"What's the quest about, Chiron?" Annabeth asked.

"We need to find Percy Jackson." Everyone except Agnostos paled, with the exception of Nico who was already paler than he could possibly be.

"I thought Agnostos said he was dead!" Nico said. Agnostos rubbed the back of his neck.

"He is dead. It's just that the prophecy suggested that he went for rebirth, and we need to find him." Agnostos scowled. He didn't want them to try to find him, since it was impossible because he was right there with them, but he supposed that since the camp's greatest fighters would be away on a quest and the monsters working for Kronos could attack the camp, and perhaps gain a few more demigod allies.

"But Hades said he wasn't in the Underworld." Jason reminded him.

"If Zeus knew that Percy had been rebirthed, he might go after him and try to kill him again." Annabeth chewed on the eraser of a pencil while looking down on a battle strategy map.

"Fair point." Jason shrugged.

"What's the prophecy?" Nico asked Chiron.

"Three half-bloods and a beast

Will search for one who left the least

But in the shadows lurks a foe

Who will betray them with a blow."

"That doesn't sound exactly awesome." Annabeth noted.

"No kidding, Sherlock." Agnostos muttered.

"Go pack your bags, demigods and, uh, Agnostos."Chiron clapped his hands together. "You must leave at daybreak."

A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson betrayed fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now