Neeks, Death Breath, Emo boy-what am I doing? oh, just listing Nico's nicknames

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i have so many notifs T^T

not that I'm complaining about it....

"MRS. O'LEARY—oh crap." Nico skidded to a stop as he saw Agnostos' familiar hood.

"Hey Emo Boy!" He waved cheerfully. "What's up?"

"Almost died, that's what's up." Will grumbled from the corner. "Why isn't there any sunshine in here? I hate it." Nico rolled his eyes.

"There's nothing bad about the Labyrinth other than it's alive and bursting with monsters." He scratched Mrs. O'Leary behind the ear. "Also, YOU'RE BACK FROM TARTARUS ALREADY?! HOLY—"

"Don't say cow. You'll jinx it." He warned, laughing as the giant hellhound licked him on the face, almost pulling down his hood in the process. "Yeah, I'm back. Apollo had a prophecy back in Olympus when Artemis found me wandering around and we had to go on a quest with the Romans. Sorry I wasn't able to talk with you, Neeks. Missed me?"

"Nope." Nico crossed his arms. "Not at all."

"Ouch, that hurt, Neeks." Agnostos put a hand over his heart mockingly. Will elbowed Nico playfully.

"I hate you." Nico grumbled as he rubbed his side.

"Nah you don't, ya love me, my little ball of emo darkness!" Will rested his head on Nico's shoulder, looking very contented. Frank, Hermes, Hazel, and Agnostos all exchanged knowing looks.

"WE SHIP!!" They all squealed in various versions. Nico blushed, side-eying Agnostos. He just grinned and gave him a thumbs-up.

"Well, Mrs. O'Leary somehow found you—" Nico was cut off by a loud, shrill scream of pure rage.


"That...did not sound good." Hermes muttered.

"Dam you too, Kampe." Agnostos unsheathed Sicarius, looking around wearily.

"I SMELL DEMIGODS!" Kampe screeched. "I WILL FEAST ON YOUR FLESH AND BREAK ALL YOUR BONES!" A giant shadow appeared in the corner of the room, making Frank and Hazel shudder with horror. Hermes' mouth dropped open as he saw the face of the most dreaded monster of Tartarus.

"K-Kampe." He whispered, shaking. "Almost as worse as Tartarus. Bleeegggh."

"You should see her in Tartarus." Agnostos gripped his sword, forcing himself not to reel in disgust as her snakehead wiggled around, hissing wildly.

"I will send her back to the Pit." Nico swore. Will took out his bow and arrows, notching them in preparation.

"I thought you died by your own prisoner's hand!" Agnostos yelled back. "Embarrassed to die so shamed? Well, you have a good chance now, fighting a god!" Hermes' face blanched.

"I'm fighting her?" He retched. "No thank you, Agnostos. Take her instead." Agnostos groaned.

"Nope, I already fought the keres for you, you owe me." He smirked.

"Have you forgotten that gods can die, too?" Hermes whined. He sighed.

"No, but at least you can regenerate. It's a pain in the butt, though. Which is why I refuse to let anyone get a sword close to my neck." He crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Mind you, that poison will immediately kill any demigod." Agnostos reminded them. "Please close your eyes before you die of horror, because her face is so freaking ugly that you can't breathe."

"Agnostos! Monster of the Unknown! Fancy seeing you here, eh?" Kampe cackled. "I will end you."

"The only thing you ended is my limit of seeing ugliness, Kampe. Like, bleeeurgh. Can't you like, wear makeup or something?" Agnostos' lips quirked into a sneaky grin. She growled furiously.

"You are so much like that blasted Percy Jackson!" She hissed. "I hate him! Curses!"

"Yeah, I know, right? Handsome, sassy, but I'll pass. I'm not Percy Jackson, and I don't take curses from ugly ladies. Er, ugly half-dragon half-demon ladies." He twirled Sicarius in the air, the blade sparkling ominously.

"Say bye-bye to your oh-so pretty golden glitter!" He smirked as he held out his hand, freezing her body in place.

"W-WHAT IS THIS?!" She screamed as the poison on her stinger bubbled like it was boiling. "STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW, AGNOSTOS!"

"You're not my mother, Kampe." He strolled up to her gigantic half-dragon body casually. "And no one tells me what to do, bitch. Go rot in the Sea of Chaos." He plunged his sword into her abdomen, decapitating several mutant animal heads and golden blood streamed out of the wound.

"Let's see how much torture torturers can take—" He froze when he remembered who his audience was and cleared his throat loudly.

"NOW!" He gestured wildly to Will, who shot an arrow straight at her head. Bullseye.

"Whoo! Right on target!" Agnostos cheered. "Hermes!" Hermes sprinted/flew over with his winged shoes, caduceus in hand. It morphed into the same Laser-Mode Percy had once seen on his quest to defeat Cacus, and a red blast went straight to her chest. The laser blasted her chest and she wailed loudly, staggering.

Frank morphed into an elephant and head-butted Kampe on the stomach, and then changing into a tiger and raking his claws accross her dragon back. Hazel stabbed Kampe with her sword, Nico by her side as he sliced one of her wings off with his Stygian sword. She disappeared with a demon scream, black essence flowing into Nico's sword. Get the reference, people!

"There. She shouldn't be bothering anyone anytime soon." Nico said, examining the sword closely. The sword glowed with a deathly aura, making anyone who looked at it shudder.

"Dang. That's one hell of a sword." Hermes whistled. "Did uncle make it for you?" Nico nodded; his black eyes still fixed on it.

"Kampe's essence is so powerful." He breathed. "It's going to be killing a lot of monsters now." He smiled slightly as he put the sword back in its sheath.

"Nice." Agnostos fist-bumped both Will and Nico. "You guys did awesome."

"You did most of the work, Agnostos." Nico shrugged. "It was nothing." Suddenly, Agnostos groaned and clutched his head.

"Ow. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow." He muttered. "Very bad timing—"

"Are you ok?" Will asked hurriedly. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No, no, I'm fine, it's just that I—" He collapsed onto the floor, shaking slightly.

"Yeah, totally fine! Of course." Frank muttered. Hazel elbowed him, covering her hand with her mouth as Agnostos let out strangled cries of pain.

"What? What is it? What's going on?" Hermes' eyes filled with panic as Will searched frantically in his knapsack.

"I don't know! This isn't anything like I've seen it before!" He took out a canteen of nectar. "Would this work for a monster?"

"Probably would disintegrate them." Hermes said grimly. "I have no idea what a monster's remedy would be."

"Don't...ow, waste time...argh, kRONOS FREAKING STOP IT ALREADY! HOLY SHI—" Hermes took a step back as a slithery voice filled the air.

"I will kill you all. The Lord of Time will destroy Olympus and all the gods! Tartarus will rise, and monsters will rule over the earth! The new Golden Age is here." Hazel noticed with a pang of horror that Kronos' voice was coming from Agnostos' mouth.

"Kill them!"

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