The hunt tries to hunt me down (again)

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Percy POV—

That wasn't acting. Literally, my head hurts like Hades. Dammit, Kronos. Why do you have to be mad at the worst possible time?

"That better have been a real illusion, Kronos." I looked down at my cloak and groaned. There was still a golden stain on it.

"That wasn't an illusion!" I protested.

It worked nonetheless.

Couldn't it have been no-mess?! I whined.

I got you out of there, didn't I?

Ok, thanks for that, but still.

Mind you, I'm not the Titan of Illusion, so you'd better be glad that I did that for you.

I sighed as I climbed a tree to see where I was. Did you send me to Kansas or something?

No, I sent you to Ohio.


What's wrong with Ohio? I facepalmed.

Never mind, I muttered as I leaped down from the tree and started hiking in a random direction.

Time skip sponsored by Amphitrite constantly calling Percy Perseus

(Idea from Jaymoonjaybriar)

"Gotcha!" I slashed the Minotaur's chest open with Sicarius and it howled, disappearing into golden dust. "For the millionth time." I added under my breath. As I started to walk away, I heard a scream from the bushes.

"MEDUSA!!" I heard. Oh, gods no. Couldn't she just stay in Tartarus? Oh wait a minute, Tartarus is rising all the monsters from the pit. Stupid question, moving on.

"I thought I told you to stay in Tartarus, snakehead!" I growled, closing my eyes and letting my seventh sense guide me. I felt her gaze land on me as I ran towards her.

"Get back!" I yelled at the girl, who was cowering in the bushes. I feinted an attack to the left and cut her arm open with the deadly Celestial-Imperial sword. She screeched in pain and staggered, her snakes hissing wildly.

"Curses!" She shrieked. "Curse—" Her sentence was cut off by my sword impaling her chest, making her explode into little more than dust.

"This is why I hate glitter." I muttered, brushing off the monster remains from my shoulders. "You ok?" The little Asian girl nodded, looking terrified.

"Halt! Don't you dare lay a finger on her you—" Thalia burst out of the shrubs, her bow and arrow notched and ready to fire.

"Wha—" I quickly dodged one of her arrows. "Wait, I need to—ow!" An arrow caught me on the sleeve, not grazing my flesh but pinning me to a tree.

"Tell me your means of coming here." She held a hunting knife at my throat. Well, it's not like she could hurt me, but she can't know that. I pretended to look nervous, which wasn't that hard, honestly. Thals can be intimidating when she wants to.

" thanks." I smirked as I pulled the arrow out with ease and dodged her razor-sharp spear.

"I command you to stop in the name of Artemis!" She swiped her spear, lightning crackling through her spear.

"I think...not." I deflected the blows, careful not to touch the spear's head. She faltered when I feinted to the right, then left, then right again and I took that as my chance and disarmed her with the classic maneuver. Her second's distraction let me bolt for the trees.

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