Well, this was unexpected

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Extra long chapter Easter Special!!

Percy's POV—

She was gone.

Still clutching the seashell in my hands, I swam upwards to the surface and found Echo looking at me excitedly.

"Thank you, Echo." I whispered. "I'll use it well."

"Use it well." She echoed, sounding wistful. I looked at her beautiful face, but I couldn't pinpoint her exact features. Somehow I just knew she was pretty.

"I'll say hi to Leo for you." I offered. She jumped up and down in excitement.

"Leo for you! Leo for you!" She repeated, surprising me by pecking me on the cheek affectionately. I blushed, still smiling, and caught a glimpse of her face. Her blue eyes were even more visible and sparkling with delight like the light skimming over the surface of the sea. However quick that moment was, I wanted to promise myself how pretty Echo was, but the memory was already slipping away. Guilt piled up into me when I realized how bad Echo's curse was.

"I promise I'll get you out of this curse, Echo." I put a hand over hers. "You deserve someone that loves you, someone that's faithful to you." She smiled, which made her look even more stunning.

"Faithful to you?" She seemed to ask. I remembered Annabeth with a stab of hatred.

"Annabeth is dead to me." I clenched my teeth, rage building up towards her. The worst thing was, however, that I felt a small needle of regret pricking my heart, and I hated myself for it. "It's fine. I'm happily single."

"Happily single." She repeated sadly, still cradling my hand in hers. For a second, time seemed to freeze in place where we were, sitting by the Great Salt Lake in Utah, holding each other's hands against a colorful sunset.

Then I remembered I was supposed to be dead and some god or monster could see me.

A battle cry came from the woods, along with the sound of a monster roaring in pain. Several thwacks followed, and Artemis and a couple of her huntresses came out.

"Schist!" I muttered.

"Schist." Echo looked at me concernedly.

"I'm supposed to be dead." I explained reluctantly while leading her away from the huntresses. "If someone sees me. I could get in big trouble. I'm basically a fugitive, despite the fact that I saved the world." We ducked underneath a rock and hid there.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Artemis pointed her bow near the place we were. I held my breath, not daring yo move. Otherwise Uncle Hades would be pretty upset.

"I found signs of the monster, milady." A huntress pointed in the opposite direction. "Perhaps we should go there instead and look." Artemis eyes the place we were hiding suspiciously but shrugged and jogged off towards the woods.

"I need to get out of here." I whispered into Echo's ear. She nodded, her face looking sober. "I'll see you soon, Echo. I promise. And I'll get rid of that curse for you once and for all."

"Once and for all." She chimed, her lips quirking upward in a gentle smile. I flashed her a lopsided smile before I vapor traveled out of there.

3rd Person—

"Percy!" Hades was waiting for him in his room. "I told you, no sneaking out!" Percy grimaced, but he didn't know any other way to excuse Mnemosyne's teleporting. He discreetly tucked the seashell under his cloak and acted embarrassed.

"Sorry. I'm just so bored here! I only went out to kill a monster or two." 

"Kill a monster, huh?" Hades raised an eyebrow, not buying it. "Well, you're late. Pothena was fight-flirting earlier and you missed it." Percy held back a smirk, knowing that he had experienced the best part of his life.

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