I DIDN'T AGREE ON THIS, KRONOS! Also, you still owe me that Oscar.

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Percy POV—

"Attack!" I yelled (really, it was Kronos using my mouth), watching from a nearby tree. Hundreds of dracaena, hellhounds, empousai, and the Chimera surrounded the Hunter's campgrounds. 

"There's an attack!" I heard Artemis shout. "Hunters, ready, aim, fire!" A dozen arrows shot out of the camp and killed a couple of monsters, but the horde was getting larger and slowly starting to close in them.

"What the—?!" I felt my legs move of their own accord, still holding Sicarius in my hand. I swung at the monsters skillfully, golden dust piling onto my shoulders. 

"Agnostos?" Artemis whispered as she caught sight of me. I felt my head move up and down. Kronos was slowly taking over. 

"You again!" Thalia pointed at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, am I missing out on something because everyone keeps saying 'you' instead of 'hi'?" I asked as I slashed at another dracaena. Thalia scowled. 

I got this, Kronos. I assured the Titan Lord of Time as I twisted and turned through the stampede of monsters, a deadly hurricane of flying blades.

"This is taking too much time." I complained as I killed another dozen empousai. 

"Agnossstossss." Kelli the empousa hissed.

"Again? Wanna spar with me again, Kelli?" I smirked as I dodged her fireballs. 

"You are not truly working for Kronos, Agnostos." She spat. I heard Kronos' raspy voice come out of my mouth.

"Kelli, I told you to stay at the border in case you got killed again!" Kronos scolded her. She cowered in fear, her fiery blazes on her head dimming a little.

"My greatest apologies, my lord." She bowed deeply and disappeared in an explosion of flames.


POV change brought to you by Janus (credits to AthenasGirl2028 for this one!)

3rd Person

Percy held up his hands, not of his own accord. The battle froze. All the monsters had a twisted look of pain on their faces, seemed to have frozen in time. Percy's eyes glowed gold as a shadow passed over his face and all the monsters exploded into glitter.

"Agnostos?" Artemis whispered as Percy turned around slowly, his eyes dimming into its usual colors.

"Artemis!" Percy blinked and he suddenly was aware of his audience. "I'm not supposed to be here—"

"Zeus gave me orders to capture the Dark Shadow." She said grimly. "Were you the Dark Shadow?"

"For the last time, I'm not emo!" He groaned. "Why do they call me that anyway? I never gave myself that name!"

"That's how life is." Artemis shrugged. "So, you were the Dark Shadow." He cringed. 

"Don't call me that, Arty." He teased. She gritted her teeth, turning golden with rage.

"Don't call her that, monster." Thalia shot back. Agnostos shrugged. 

"I've been called worse." He sheathed Sicarius and started walking away from them.

"Wait!" Artemis grabbed his arm, her vise-like grip surely making a bruise on Percy's arm. "Zeus said—"

"I don't care what Zeusy said, I need to get going." He retorted. "If you teleport me to Olympus I swear—" His sentence was cut off as a bright light blinded all of them.

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