CHP 3-It begins.

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*Jane's POV*

6.30 A.M.

 I woke up early and freshened up.There was still some time left so i skimmed through my back pack to ensure there was everything i wanted for my studies.

"Hmm, books check,pouch check, a lil bit of makeup check, and me, also check."I mutter while i look upto myself in the mirror. I was wearing my favourite Parachute cargos and a black tee.Matching jordans that just look perfect. I had my cap on incase if it was a sunny day but nevertheless, it looks more stylish.

^Jane's outfit in the image^

It was all going smooth until i remember something i shouldnt have forgotten in the first place.

"Oh shit" i mutter while patting my head. "My parents are going to visit the school today. How can i forget such thing. Good lord, please help me today!"I started to walk back and forth thinking of ways to avoid my parents entering the highschool.Why u may think? You'll know. Because within no time, everyone in my school is going to know about me.

"Jane, get yourself together. Its going to be alright!" I comfort myself. I hold up my wrist to check the time. 7.15 A.M. 

"Well lets head down now shall we?See you laters pooh !" I say goodbye to my fav plushy before storming out of the room. 

"Hi mama! Hi papa!" I let out my words while giving them a soft smile. They have always been busy with work and barely have time to spend with me, but that does not reduce the amount of love i have for both of them.Afterall, they have blessed with such a great life. 

"Hey honey, i hope you are ready, lets go!" My mom speaks in a low voice while dad giving me a smile. I nod and rush out of the house. 

My mum and dad are the perfect couple i can think of. They are always there for each other , comforting, loving, working and what not. Whenever i look at them they are always doing things together and all my life i've been wishing for my boyfriend (dont know when will i have one) or my future husband to be like them. The perfectly adorable couple.

My mom and dad go into the parking lot whilst i wait up in the front porch. Sooner, my parents pull up in their uhm... 

Rolls royce. God , help me.

They stop infront of me and waiting for me to get in while i just was just wondering how will those demons react.I am so sure, i will be getting eaten up alive today. I wipe my fake tears from cheeck and let out words from my mouth-

"Uhm dad, can we not go in a simpler car ? OR probably the bus, its a really great experience i must say" I speak in a persuading manner but i know they wont bat an eye and reject my proposal then and there.

"No darling. I am afraid thats not happening. Now get in quickly, we even need to meet the Director head of the highschool." He says just as i expected it to be. i frown whilst walking upto the car and opening the door. As soon as i was getting in, i hear a name shout.

"Hey kitten!Wait up." He shouts. 

oh no.

My parents look amused because why would he call me kitten, not the fact that they knew there was some meaning behind it. 

He comes upto my car and says "i mean jane. How are you jane? I hope you liked the neighbour hood!I think we both are going to the same destination, woodlands highschool" He gives his toothy grin while looking at my parents.obviously, he tryna be the good boy infront of them so that my parents trust him. 

"yes and I am absolutely great! And i love the neighbour hood of course! By the way, what was your name again? I tend to forget things which arent of my benefit or important to me"I speak while giving him a smirk. He was infuriated by my line. Hahaha, right in the face.

"Oh dont worry, i'll make you remember my name asap. Its jake. Jake lively. Remember?"

"Haha, alright kids, we can cut the talk short now, its getting late. And jake why dont you join us, anyways we are going to the same destination yeah?" My dad speaks while grinning.He is happy because he thinks jake the fake , is my friend, little does he know, i am going to murder him soon.

"Oh no its alright, jake seems uncomfortable coming with us, you can go by yourself, i wont feel bad jake.Its alright"I mutter while giving his hand a tight squeeze indicating him to get the fuck out of here.

"Its alright Jane. I'll be more than happy to accompany you. And sure sir, i would like to come with you guys, by the time i would know jane and all of you much better. Afterall we are neighbours arent we? " He completed while giving me a smirk and a wink. i am going to sew his mouth sooner or later, trust me. 

"oh okay" i whisper while i make some space for jake to enter the backseat with me. I give a forceful smile .

During the entire ride, Jake and dad were speaking about their interests , which mostly inculded soccer ofcourse and how they will be doing a 1v1 soon.My dad is cool , i already knew that. He used to play video games with me, we used to dance in the rain, listen to emo music and what not.

Finally we reached our highschool and i could already see ,everyones eyes on 3 things.

First was my car, second was me and jake getting out of the backseat together and third were my parents. I can already hear them gossiping about me and jake and my mum and dad.

I let out a loud sigh. "What a day'' i mutter. "What a day indeed" he says while looking towards me. I roll my eyes and start moving towards my highschool entrance.

"So she is daughter of Steve Martins?" i hear one of the girls speaking while the other one nods. "You mean the daughter of the top 10 business men in Woodlands top 20 in california?" "yes" they all say in sync.

Yes, i am Jane Martins, Daughter of Steve Martins who is the 8th top business men in Woodlands and top 20 in california.You all might be wondering why am i not in some top highschools? Well, I was not willing to go in one and chose this as its more secluded and decently famous.

And now i feel like a prey. Because one thing i learned in this campus was that the more famous you are , the more you get bullied BUT, yes jake was an exception as he was the bully himself. 

I ignore all of the voices and rush straight to the Director heads office leaving jake behind and my parents? They'll be coming soon after parking their "car".



A/N: Its finally completed! Hope yall like it.

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