CHAP 13- Confusion

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*Jane's POV*

"You, whatever your name is. I want to have a conversation with you." She speaks. Almost too loudly like yelling.

"Leah istg" i whisper under my breath. "What is it? What do you want now?" i question her, Waiting for an understable reason.

"I just want to have a sweet talk with you.Can't you just understand that?" She gave me a psychotic smile while tilting her head to one side.

"Okay." I reply because i did not want to create any more of scenes.

"But Ja-" 

"Its okay connor, dont worry" I comfort him giving hik an assuring nod.

"Alright" Connor replies.

"If you she does anything to you. Just call my name alright." Connor sends a death glare to Leah indicating to not even touch me once. He is so cute. GOD.

I give him a nod and went off with leah and her side chicks towards the left handside of the highschool. That place is mostly secluded and stranded. Nobody visits that place anymore and it has an old gym studio, which is now covered in mold and fungus and green vines. 

"Can you say what do you want now? I dont want to waste anymore of my time here." i speak while leahs side chicks start to stand in circle position around me. She steps and stops right infront ,just an inch away. 

"Don't tell me you brought me here just to kiss me. Because of the looks of it, we are almost at the verge. And fyi, i am straight, so please." i taunt her. 

"Huh. You are not even my likes, so theres no chance i am going to kiss you. So tell me...

Whats so different in you?"

She asks me leaving me quizzled. What does she even me by her question. I she drunk by any chance? 

I take a sniff just to ensure that she is in her sense.

I let out a giggle. "You know whats different in me? I never chase. What is meant for me, will be attracted to me by itself. Its fate that i rely on."

"Fate. Tryna show off some big words here huh? WHta have you done to Jake? He literally does not take his eyes off of you. Have you threatened him? Blackmailed him? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? " She grabs me by my collar. 

In sudden instinct, i whip her hands off from my collar.

"Try this again, and you wont have that hand of yours. And talking about jake. Are you nuts? Because i will NEVER EVER get with that guy in my entire fucking life. AND he aint no 5yr old kid that can be manipulated. He is fucking 6ft tall grown ass man who knows how to take care of himself. So shut your crap and dont waste my time on this shitty conversation anymore." i yell letting her know that i have NO BUSINESS with him.

I turn around and start heading back into the highschool. I could see her almost at the verge of crying when i was leaving.

Why are people so dumbfounded in love? They literally lose all of their sense. 

Love is just like medicines.

It is the reason to cure oneself if taken correctly.

But can be absolutely dangerous if addicted to. 


"Jane, go into the head directors office and submit these files to him.THank yu in advance for helping me out!" Mrs. Emma , my english teacher says, while handing over a bunch of files almost mking me trip over.

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