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Lian POV

"yes... yes safe.... oh my dear goddess..." i held on to his waist and hugged him tightly. his voice... his voice is so soft like his entire self. its like every cell in my entire body woke up from an ominous slumber for who knows how long. 

i gently cupped his face with both of my hands and though, i saw confusion there, curiosity was much more dominant

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i gently cupped his face with both of my hands and though, i saw confusion there, curiosity was much more dominant. i nodded my head in excitement and pointed to him to myself... "safe" i uttered once again.

it seems that he grasped the only communication that could make us converse, he pointed at himself and to the window. "safe?"

he wants to go outside?

right, this room was connected to a botanical garden. as per uncle liams request from one of those rare times that they came over, to make this place looks livable as it should be regardless whats happening underneath it... ummn.. where blood is most abundant than grass.

i looked at his expressions and it seems gradually, i can see subtle changes in his emotions that werent there before. 

i nodded my head in agreement and went not through the window but through the glass sliding door beside it. i saw him intently watching my every move. i wont be surprised to see in the future that he'll open that sliding door all on his own. im not worried one bit about his security... though you cant see it from here, i got a perimeter wall where even the most advance tanks of the military would have a hard time penetrating. theres a 24/7 surveillance on it and lets just say pentagon security was just a termite mound compared to our own Valhalla security complexities.  

i grabbed his hand and ushered him through the grass covered lawn. i observed his expression as he stepped his foot down on it for the very first time, the sparkle in his eyes is evident enough to see that hes so mesmerized by it.

"grass" i said pointing down on it as he already was on his heels crouching down. i saw him mouthed the words and repeated it many times... "ra...ras...rasss"

"safe" i added and nodded at him as he did so as well.

i sat down on the lawn and saw him doing the same. i took a mental note to add some recreational things over here without blocking any view.. a swing over there and resting place right here would sure be a nice addition.

i signed for him to enjoy himself as i pointed all around him. he took it as a confirmation maybe and he ran all around the perimeter. flowers bloomed the length of the lawn and a tiny pond at a corner where a few fishes were also maintained. a row of sunflowers to the far left courtesy of grandpa E saying its his moms favorite and a wide branched tree at my right that covered a large part of the lawn with comforting shadows from the suns heat.

 a row of sunflowers to the far left courtesy of grandpa E saying its his moms favorite and a wide branched tree at my right that covered a large part of the lawn with comforting shadows from the suns heat

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