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lian approached the boys innocence as delicately as possible. never rash, never rough. though all he wanted was to devour the boy right there and then, conscience grounds him.

"mine." lians voice rang near kueas ear and it send goosebumps all over the boys body making him moan in agreement.

"w-wait... wait..." kuea said suddenly it lian felt like washed over with an ice cold water. he saw the boy curled up to his side cupping his own cock as if hiding it.

"whats wrong, baby love?" having no verbal answer to his question, lian saw him turned red all over his neck and face.

"this... its uncomfortable... it... it stood...up?" he reluctantly looked down and swiftly turned again smothering his face on the soft covers.

if lian doesnt know the pull of his singer and this one is just a nobody, he could have laughed and walked right out of the door automatically.

but not now, this boy is his life. quite literally as it seems. his innocence in this aspect is one of his charm. as much as he wanted to dirty this one, he decided to calm him down first and he thinks his singer needs a sex ed 101 crash course tonight. yes, instinct is there but the mind still cant catch up and process on what it needs or should do.

lian gently laid behind the boy and urged him to face him. he needs to understand that this part of him is what his body had responded for his desire for his mate. he shouldnt be ashamed or be embarassed by it. that its normal and should be attended to by lian ONLY.

no buts.

no options.

kuea slowly faced lian and hugged him too much it winded lian. "oof! ease up, babe. its okay."

"im sorry.... um... yan..."

"hmmmm.... it... it went down... does that mean i dont desire you anymore?"

"mmmmm... what do you think?"

"definitely, not... i want you to be mine officially, yan. i saw the mates neck and asked them about it because i thought its like a ritual thing among you guys. they said its their mates claim on them and the goddess forbids separation after that. i dont want to be separated from you, yan. never." kuea smothered his face on his mates chest unbothered that theyre both stark naked and have accidentally rubbed themselves together.

"that felt good." kuea moaned.

"it does, doesnt it? more?"


feeling the tight air around them, lian claimed the boys lips once again and this time lian hoped that he will not be doused in cold water again. its not very pleasant for him or even his cock which is now hard stiff like it could stab anyone but the only anyone who will ever have that previlege is his singer.

lian ushered themselves on the headboard and positioned kuea in between his legs with his back on his chest.

kuea was still cupping his cock down and squishing it on his tightly crossed legs. those legs though. lian would have given everything he had just for a kiss. so smooth. so unblemished. he cant wait for the time that he would have his way with him, that is if he was of course allowed by kuea himself.

"its okay, love. you trust me, right?"


with that, lian ran his hand down from the base of the boys neck, down on his goosebumped arms, his delectable waist, his hips and unto his legs.

"open, love." he whispered in the boys ear.

kuea looked up at lian as if searching for some reassurance but shyly he slowly unclenched his legs and lian slowly tucked them down under his own legs making the boy open as wide as he can.

"hmmm.... yan...." kuea cupped his cock still embarassed by how stiff he is but all lian could peek at was how pink it was. its a typical omega sized cock, not that hes new to how it looks entirely but his singers stumped them all. its all pinkish hue, so enticing, the urge to devour it, lick and vacuum it down with his mouth seems like all a detailed plan that will soon to be a reality. not that he thorughly saw it but since they got a confidence teasing showdown earlier, he cant help but take a look down there. hes only an alpha vampire about to claim his mate, might as well engrave it on his memory.

"i already saw it earlier, dear. dont be shy. its just me here and trust me it will only just me here whenever we do this. i promise and swear on my elders that they have the permission to strike me down with anything they could painfully come up with if i ever lie to you."

"oh, okay... yan so dramatic." kuea nervously giggled.

kuea let go of his erect cock and let it fall on its side on his belly. lian was right at everything he had thought earlier. hes beautiful.

"hello, there mister."

before kuea could retort at his mates teasing, lian crossed his arm over kueas shoulder and tilted his head towards him and torridly kissed him.

feeling the boy surrender, lians hand which was previously on his mates jaw was now going down to his chest and cupped his breast to his hand.

kuea moaned at the alien sensation thats running through his body right now. he knows what to do but he also knows that he wanted his mate to do anything on him. he loves his touch, his caresses, this kiss that theyre sharing. it making his whole body hot in surrender. maybe this is what an omega would feel like in the presence of his alpha mate.


lian softly caressed down to his mates torso making the other twitch and moan even more.

"trust me."

lian gently grabbed his mates cock and stayed there to let the sensation sink in.

feeling vulnerable, kuea gasped at the sudden tightness around his manhood. never in his life felt something too suffocating yet felt so good all at the same time. when lian slowly squeeze and released the pressure, kuea moaned much to lians delighted ears.


"how bout you?"


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