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never in lians life that he was challenged on his throne as the new vampire king after his father, arius. yes, hes new to the crown but all his life hes been in his fathers shadow and had been personally trained by the same person. hes been told to be fair and just but those words might just remain as words and nothing more if push became a shove.

when lian arrived at the castle hes been escorted directly towards the grand hall instead. hes been meaning to face the old councilman in his office out of courtesy and respect but hes been outright been escorted like a criminal to the grand hall.

fuming with rage from the disrespect and outright rudeness of the act, lians eyes grew red and the stench of his menacing aura filled the entire hall.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" lian shouted, all angry and disappointed.

"MY LORD!" shouted some and some just only cowered.

"WHO COMMANDED THIS? SURELY I DID NOT!" lian trotted down the throng of people and into the dais. the flow of his aura flowed red and black behind him making him appear bigger and monstrous. and he feels like one now. hes been at peace one second and then hulking mad the next. where is his k-pill when he needed it the most?

"p-please, my lord let me explain."

"explain if you must but thread lightly dear sir or ill slit your throat right here, right now." lian growled lowly and slowly making his fangs visible.

"the elder council member ordered so. we on the lower cabinet cannot do anything to counter him with all the cautions and warnings that we gave him. hes uptight, my lord, and determined to oust you."

"wheres he?"

"on the way, my lord. as soon as he had heard you coming, he ordered his soldiers to do so."


"who might that be, my lord? me or you?" uttered an arrogant voice from where lian entered before.

"sir, please." greeted the other still with the head bowed low.

"shut it."

"well, well... here comes the myrtyr of a soon to be extinct clan. tell me, good sir, what is your proof to accuse me as such? tell me a valid reason and ill be merciful but give a snobby one and you and 9 generations of your family will have hell in the core. i promise you that." said lian leaning on he wall crossing his arms before him.

"youve been neglectful of your duties, my lord."

"in what way? enlighten me."

"the reports that were coming in from different clans in the outskirts has never been given decisions. the outcry of the clans in the far north for food due to the dry winter was never given attention."

"hmmm... are you sure about that? giving false accusation is a sign for treason, good sir. im sure you know that? tell me, where and when did you get your information?" lian said calmly walking along the dais towards the throne.

"ive been informed not two weeks ago, my lord and a recent one awhile ago."

"what recent one?"

"the fact that you had already marked your singer without our knowledge and consent?"

"hmmm... clearly you got so many points but sadly... not one of them is viable." lian raised an eyebrow on him and this puzzled the man.

"after my mission to claim my singer from his confinement, ive been doing my all to visit every clan in the outskirts. they clearly were fine when i left them and even thriving by themselves. second, the clans in the far north were never without food as exagerrated as their report was when i personally visited them. its all the governors doing hoping for an increase of income and food from the palace all for himself. clearly, hes not in his right mind so i gave him mercy and spared his clan but in the end i gave him what he desired most as it seems.... eternal sleep. now, do you want that too, sir?"

"b-but my intel was flawless.... they... they... your... your singer influence you so much, my lord. you were never here.... how... how can we entrust you with the entire vampire clans safety and... and sanity?"

"intel? i never knew you have one as such, sir. why have i not been informed... and im the king here as far as i know. if i chose not to report anything im doing, i am not compelled to do so. even having to mark my singer before hand, sir. thats of my and my singers choosing and never the councils."

"hes of no noble blood, my lord. hes not suitable. he might not be able to support you."

"might... oh... you want to know who my sjnger really is. okay. heres how it is going to be..." lians not fond of the idea but every singer of the royal family has been introduced by a ball. be that as it may, kuea is strong. he knows it. "ill be having a ball in my familys hotel. be there, sir. ill give your judgment there with my singer with me. ill show you how capable and worthy he is. even now, with him in my mind, im calm but surely insult him, even though hes there, im going to rip your head off without prior notice."

with that lian went off with the councilmans whitening face. hes been played. his entire clans at stake. now, no matter what he would say would be an excuse. hell be judged as a traitor thats for sure. now, how will he get out of this unscathed?


"so thats how it is. granny, how did you do all of that?" kueas voice was heard all over the library, all excited and interested to the knowledge imparted to him by gulf.

"i cant remember where i found my confidence, really. maybe mew influenced me so much. then i... what? whats wrong?" gulf clutched kueas clenched hand over the table. kueas eyes were glowing and seems like growling low.

"its... urgh... its lian, granny. hes angry."

"let me see...." gulf went quiet and closed his eyes. "oh, yes he is. quiet outraged, too. tell me, did he introduced you to the rest of the vampire clan?"

"no... do i have to?"

"every mate of a royal vampire did, my son. nhu did. even rin, even though hes ayberks mate, ayberks the son of two vampires so its a given. ethan did too as well. surely, lian have that in mind and opted its too much of a bother and unnecessary but its essential to show the stubborn assess whos the boss in this clan, dear. ask lian that later, im sure hes been told off thats why hes fuming like that."

"do... do you think... theyll approve of me, granny?"

"why not? besides, you dont need their permission to be with your mate, child. its the will of the goddess and no one is above her in the matters of the supernaturals. lian already loves you so much and i know you are too. you dont permission to love someone, right? love whoever you want to. its not a mistake, only circumstances and tradition restricts us. the only exception to the rule is the one we call fated mates. the pull you feel, the cravings that your wolfs been crying inside you and the compelling urge to be with that someone is the goddess will. once mated, two souls become one. no mater what you are, souls exist all the same. sad to say when a mate passes, the other is bound to soon came after but thats how powerful the bond is. its beautiful and scary at the same time. trust in lian, child. hell never do you wrong. i promise you that."

"and if he did betray me?"

"do what you will with him. you have my permission. remember what i told you before? you are a writer. you hold everybodys fate in this mortal plane."

"but vampires are immortals, right?"

"no. theyre not. they just live long and got too much dexterity but theyre never immortal. well that is unless the blood of the goddess purely runs through you, which you had a bit now thanks to lian, you are partly one."

kuea was a bit stunned by the information and doesnt know how to respond to it.

"dont dwell too much on it, my son. just do anything you want in this life within justified reason and be kind, nothing will harm you."

calming yet, full of warning, kuea was ever so mindful of his manners in front of this ancient one.

"can i disturb you two lovely mates there?"

came a voice through the door, and kuea felt himself lightened up.


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