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a few weeks passed, the couple went down with their routine:

7:00 breakfast in the garden

9:00 reading together at the library with snacks

11:00 lian attend to the clans business (k sometimes likes to stay or if not back to his own office playing on his customized computer)

13:00 lunch at the dining area (sometimes with the family much to lians annoyance but not to the pups... just the old ones)

15:00 lian went underground (k tend to sleep at this hour until lian maybe home by 5; or maybe wake up and read on the bed until lian comes back)

19:00 dinner with lian (never missed a meal with k or hell go into rage like causing one of the elders to kneel till dawn came at one time)

20:00 reading together in the bedroom

21:00 sleep

in all of that, lian cant count how many times he have to call for mercy at the goddess to help him restrain himself. after breakfast is their grooming time. geez! if only k knew whats in the mind of the great lian.

one afternoon after their lunch, a strange tiny man came to their private wing and whispered something to lian much to the annoyance of k.

"my lord, if i may..." the tiny man leaned in to his lords ear.

lian, oblivious to the fact that the action theyre doing was too near for k's comfort, leaned in to listen. what they didnt notice was k storming his way to lians side of the table and yank the presumptuous boy from his... from lian.

"NO!" k yelled raging at the boy who was now slumped at the floor. lian startled by the act, stood up from his seat. "MINE!" k added.

even though lian was concerned about the young one on the floor, he cant hide the fact that his singer put a claim on him.

"OUT!" yelled the trembling man in front of lian.

eyeing his lord as if getting a permission, k looked at lian as well and saw him nod. by the time k turned around, he only saw the boys heels going out of the door.

"be calm my love. im yours." lian said calming the fuming k in his arms and massaging his neck which in turn turned the man in his embrace to be limp and kind of dropped. k cant resist the scent that came from his... lian... it made his mind muddy and vast. the anger that he felt for the very first time in his life all but dissipated in an instant lians arms went around his waist.

"mine... h-yours..." though k could only manage to say one word at a time, hes thankful enough that what he tried to say was understood.


"how dare you instigate my singers anger! what made you feel so bold, huh?" lian shouted at the boy who is now in shackles in the underground prison.

"you, my lord? are those nights we spent are for nothing? ive missed you my lord. its been over a month since you asked for me."

"what nights are you talking about? weve done nothing of sort! were nothing like what you are thinking! are you high?" seeing the other with red rimmed and averting eyes, its clearly the case.


"who gave it to you? lie to my face and youre going to the core..."

"i dont know..."

"thats it..." lian was about to walk out but...

"really, i dont know her my lord... shes- shes always by the gate whenever im out. its as if shes watching me all the time..."

"tonight ill let you out by the gate, if she doesnt come, the core will be your new home." with that he walked out and ordered the wolf guard to put him on strict security and what will be the plan later. lian knew hes partly at fault since he leaned in which was a normal act for him whenever theres a confidential matter to discuss in the presence of other people but what the bastard did to egg on his singers sensitivity when he was not looking properly was inexcusable. he deliberately put a tongue out as if to lick lians face on k point of view.

now to the matter at hand, whos the woman who was trying to get his attention?

ascending from the basement, lian reached for his phone. hes got no time to be bothered by this trivial attempt to get his attention. for sure its another blunder to usurp his place in the clan or some opportunist to be by his side and gain bits from him.

"da shane, where are you?"

"somewhere north with your da cade, son, what can i help you with?"

"someones lurking in the shadows, i need someone to clean and sweep."

"consider it done... anything else? i heard from ethan than you already found your singer."

"yes, i did. thats one of the reason that i dont need distractions."

"and whats the other reason?" lian heard the tease from the other line as he passed through corridors to ascend to their private wing.

"none, just my singer. none other."

"good boy. anything else? im waiting for cades signal."

"for what?"

"you dont want to know. just... its for your grand E. dont tell!"

"fine. by the way, the rats in the basement. do what you will with it."

"good. ethans done with the prick financier. he got the guts to bribe ethan. sheesh!"

"thats all... thanks and bye da!"

"no prob son." with that the line got cut off with someone yelling far away in the other line. lian guessed theyve been found out.

as soon as lian reached for the door knob of their private wing, he cant believe what hes hearing in the other side of the door.

someones crying and sure he knows who it is.

lian stormed in the door and walked a bit in towards their living room. there he found his secretary on the ground cupping his face. this ones in-charge of the clans affairs. what could he done to make his singer fuming in anger?

"whats happening here?" lian asked silently.

"my lord, my lord!" the other one crawled to his feet hoping for favor but sad to say when it comes to his singer, nobody matters more.

"get off!" lian shouted as he reached for the hem of his pants. "what happened here?"

"i was just telling the new recruit that hes not allowed in this wing. that you will be angry if he stayed here. only you and your favored ones are allowed in here. i was just telling him about your favored ones... wh-when..." the boy drifted off when he saw lians shadowed face.

"who told you you can enter here without my permission?"

"b-but... but... my lord... im one of your favored ones. you often called for me at nights."

"yeah, to work. and you had said it yourself i called you. did you ever heard from me that i need your presence here AND TALK TO MY SINGER IN MY ABSENCE?!"

"s-s-singer?... him? b-but..."

"what? that your better?" lian kneeled down to his face. "NEVER!" lian grabbed his neck and dragged the limp man out of the wing. "put him together with the rat. Da Shane will be back soon. hell deal with them." lian said to the air and soon after he let go of the pretentious git, 2 men dragged him by his arms back to the basement.

lian, before he got back to his fuming singer, messaged his da again for the additional toy.

when lian went back to the living room, he found it deserted.

"K?!" lian shouted and a tiny voice replied to him.

"here..." it came from the dining room.

yeah, its already dinner time. just right on time.

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