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days had passed, kuea undergone some lab test in ethans own hospital floor owned by the mafia. this is the same hospital where he gave birth to his twins as well. every latest machinery and specialist convened in this place and is under strict NDA.

all the while kuea was under the needle, lian had held on to his hand. as much as he doesnt want to see his singer under stress and be under those needles again, he cant escape the fact that his singer needed this to confirm his health.

turned out, kuea is truly an omega-born male omega and functions as one as well, but the surprising part is he also got a trait of an alpha but mostly only on his psychological aspects. he possessive like all of the alphas and territorial to boot. his heats are on an irregular interval since he could ultimately control them whenever he wanted them to come or not to. over all hes healthy and even though he got a mix in his secondary gender it wont be a hindrance to his daily activities.

as soon as they had reached home back in the hq, kuea couldnt help the feeling of being under the scope again after all the time that hes been away from that facility. he slouched on the wide sofa in their private area in the hq.

"whats wrong?" lian sat beside his singer covering him with his arm around his shoulders.

"im... bothered by the.. um..." he signed for the needles he was struck on his arms at least 3 to 5 times earlier.



"im sorry about that but we had talked about it before we went, right? i thought its alright with you so we went. did i do something against your will?" lian faced kuea attentively combing through his actions previously that might could have make his singer upset.

"yeah, we did and... you did... nothing wrong. its just that memories... keep on coming in... flashbacks and it leaves a bitter taste... behind." kuea said smothering his face on lians chest.

"well, that i couldnt do anything about but..." lian looked down at the boy on his chest who in turn was looking up at him listening to his every words.


"but if you would permit me, i could maybe dispel some of it."

"h-how?" though kuea asked lian leaned closer and the scent of his singer lingered on his nose. the most intoxicating scent that only exists on only one person in this entire plane. inhaling every breath of his singer, lian savored the awaiting plump lips of his singer.

kuea, though startled at the start, melted at his mates arms only to find himself clinging on to lians shoulders and climb himself on to his lap. though the mates taught him about everything a mate does in this family, this kind of act could only come by instinct. the way kuea ruffled the silky hair of his man, the way his body molded unto his own and the touch of his man in his body made a trail of hot flaming sensation. he loves it.

lian, remembering where they are, stood up with his singer wrapped around his torso, their kiss never stopping even with the sudden movement. kuea was nowhere near conscious at this point, lian knows it since he could see kueas wolf peeking through his eyes. that pinkish violet hue that one could get lost into and his scent became so concentrated that if lian have a little hint of a wolf in him, would have gone crazy for it.

reaching their bedroom, lian laid his singer on the bed still in a bliss disconnected this lips and put on a smile for him.

"please be mine?" lian pleaded near kuea lips.

"what do i do to be yours?"

lian let out a chuckle at his innocence. "the process might be a little tedious and painful but the aftermath is a wild ride. would you consent me to do it?"

"tedious... painful... did i already have gone through something... like that before? do it, yan."

"as you wish, my love."

lian inhaled his scent and at the same time kissed his love. lian swiftly remove his top making the other mirror his actions. seeing it as something that he could tease, lian loosened his pants and pulled down everything with it freeing his manhood for all his singer could see.

taking it as a dare, kuea let go all the shame letting his newly found confidence take over his entire body. he felt so light and free, it should be illegal. shimmying down the last of his clothes, he walked over to the naked man in front of him who was looking at him so fiercely he felt something ignite within him. 

its not fear, its more like a primal need to touch this person. to engulf him with his scent. to claim him as his own. in order for everything to be a reality, all depends on this man before him.

lian reached over and encircled the naked body of his singer and molded himself to him. feeling the heat that only his singer could give him. as soon as their body touched, the ache and longing that he had endured seemed like a childs game. hes soft, smooth as sin and to his every touch, the moans that came from his singer lingered like some sticky substance in his mind.

"promise me you wont regret this." lian said as a command rather than a plea. in his mind, hes already devouring his singer but conscience lead him to be considerate to the boy who will endure receiving his every actions in the very near future.

"promise. i love you."

"so do i, my love."

lian enclose all the spaces they have in between as lian pushed his way back to the bed with kuea in his arms.


"theyre doing it."

"might as well finish it."

"this might be too soon."

"he needs it."

"not yet."

"the boy needs the connection to ground him, what the hell are you talking about old man!"

"its just, the boys too young."

"said the old one."

"one more word and youre gonna be under another week."



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