Thirty one

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I thought I had a bullet through my head. But instead seeing my father fall to the ground as he was the one who had a bullet through his head. It was instant death for him.

I was shaking badly and looking over I see Min still holding up the gun. As he realizes I'm looking over him, I knew I looked dead and exhausted.

He put his gun away and many man came in to carry our mother and y/n out the room. He then came in front of and got on his knees. I didn't know what to expect from him at all, hate too?

A hug

He hugged me tight. And then wiped the blood off my face, " there's no time for me to apologize properly, mom and y/n need us" he grabbed my hand and pulled me.

Min- you know the power you hold stay strong for them
Jake- I..... why are you helping us? They're gone and I might as well die too.

He stopped and grabbed me by my collar " say that shit again, they NEED YOU! " min said to me

He was right I needed to stop having these thoughts and gain strength. And so I did, we got into the car and drove straight and fast to the hospital they were in.

I didn't have high hopes at all for the both of them. But I still wanted to keep the little faith I had left in me. Min talked to me and honestly it did really help me.

Life wasn't worth it with them two not in it. Other things I thought were why did min kill our father and not me. Or how did he escape from the basement.

The nurses helped clean me up and check me, I was just weak and tired. So they gave me a IV to feel better, a therapist came into my room and talked to me.

I think min had told her everything and I would just fill her in with the rest. I didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to hear anybody's voice.

I wanted to hear y/ns and my mothers. I was just waiting for them to tell me that they were dead and they could do nothing anymore.

Therapists- a lot occurred tonight Jake. What is something heavy you want to get off your chest?
Jake- he could've killed me instead of them!
Therapist- how was your father like?
Jake- Fucking monster, mentally and physically abused me and my mother.
Therapists- did you try to run away? Or get help?
Jake- He's a Mafia, what do you think? Bullet straight through your head.

I think that honestly startled the therapists because she said she would be back but she never came back. I got up from the bed and went to go check up on the others.

Min- you should've stayed in the bed!
Jake- and become miserable?

Both y/n and my mother were in surgery and afterwards connected with all types of wires. I didn't even want to look at them knowing I couldn't save them.

Let them die in front of me. I'm a liar. I promised and broke the promise I made. " they are going to be proud no matter what. You'll feel their love all the time" he was telling me like they were going to die soon

I kept telling myself they're going live and everything. That's when the doctor came out to talk to us.

Doctor- besides the fact that you guys come here often, your mother  lost an insanely amount of blood and in this case it becomes difficult for us to prevent death. But it looks like she's fighting better than I have ever seen. We gave her blood right away and well we will evaluate her. Uhh but for the lady, she was shot twice and even after surgery she's fighting for her life and ... might not make it.

I ripped the iv out of my arm and went insane. I got good and bad news but I wasn't taking it well at all. Everyone was telling to stop and clam down.

Doctor- Boss your lady can get through it. Just have faith!

The first time was her not wanting to talk to me. But now this was different she could actually be gone fork my side. This would be my biggest nightmare of all.

I'll keep faith 

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