*Thirty-Two: Demon Inside Him

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Two hours had past since Leandor went out to look for Vincent and Elena. Anxiety doesn't even begin to explain how truly sick I felt about the situation. I've never been apart from my sister... well at least not without knowing exactly where she was. And knowing that some low life bastard is hurting her is killing me even more.

I had lost my appetite to eat anything. Not even the stack of cupcakes Leah brought over were creating a craving. Sighing, I rested my forehead against the table top where I've been sitting at for the past hour now.

The guards were talking outside, I could hear them. I thought about inviting them inside but Leandor would probably kill me. Why? Who knows the shit that runs around in his damn head.

I groaned as I contemplated on whether or not to go see Logan. I should it's been days and I still haven't talked to him. Leandor promised he didn't kill him but I can't help but remember the talk he had with Nathan in the car. They were going to send him back to his pack for treason the moment they figured out which pack he ran from.

I couldn't let that happen. Logan is nothing but a genuine young guy who helped protect me. Come to think of it Leandor and Nathan were right. His wolf was massive compared to mine. He had to have some kind of bloodline with an alpha or beta.

Thinking it over I decided to go. I grabbed my black leather jacket and threw the door open walking out without looking back. If I did I feared I'd change my mind and I didn't want to. I had to see for myself that Logan was ok.

It was the the right thing to do after all. Wyatt took care of me and i
I was a complete outsider. Now it was my turn to return a favor. Although I didn't get far before three of the guards posted caught up to me.

They allowed me to walk a couple more feet before one of them said something to me.

"Luna Mia, you can't go far. Alpha Leandor wants you in the confines of the mansion. It's not safe out here." He explained to me as if I didn't already hear this from my mate.

"I know that's why you're going to take me straight to the pack prison." I turned around to see the puzzled expressions of the guards. I could see them mind-linking one another. They were probably debating on whether or not it'd be a good idea.

When they continued to mind-linking I brought the decision upon myself and started walking. In the end I was going, no matter if they choice to allow me to or not. They were probably even speaking with Leandor. He better not come after me.

Twirling around and I marched up to the guards fear was evident on their face and they subconscious moved back. One of them even swallowed in anticipation for my attack, but there wasn't one.

Nightmares of my mother's words still rang in my head about one of us turning evil. I could not allow that to happen. I wasn't evil I was charismatic at least to the people I loved the most. No body is perfect.

"Listen you can either come with me and take my to the pack prison which you all know is much more secure than a mansion I'm left inside alone for hours... or, you can tattle tale on me to Leandor. You chose. Either way you're going to be left with a pissed off alpha or alpha female. At least I'll protect you from Leandor." I told them making sure they heard me crystal clear.

There was only a little hesitation before one of the three took the lead and took me straight to the prison where Logan was being held.

"I don't like this idea Luna. If Leandor finds out about this or goes home and sees you aren't there he'll do worse than through us out of the pack." The guy leading warned me.

"Over my died body. I promise you safety from him." I reached out and put my hand on his upper arm. "I know it must be weird having someone tell you that you're finally safe from your own alpha's fury." I said chuckling. He sheepishly smiled down at me and that is when I finally noticed those huge brown eyes of his and his massive height. Leandor did say he hired the best to protect me.

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