Thirty-Five: Wanted

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"Well hello darling hasn't it been forever since we last seen each other?" Luther's thick voice said with an eire smirk to his lips. The pit of my stomach dropped. Nothing about any of this was remotely calming.

It was a spiraling vortex sucking me down further and further into the abyss. An abyss so deep there was no exit but an eternal plummet to the depths of the unknown.

I backed up and Talon quickly came to my rescue putting himself between Luther and myself.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Luther said trying to scare off Talon. It didn't work as Talon growled at him to back up. Luther smirked before upper cuting him in the chin sending him back into me.

I quickly grabbed Talon's waist before he tumbled to the floor. Once he was balanced I looked up at him to see him rub absent mindedly at his soon to be bruised chin. He was foaming with anger.

'Talon calm down.' I linked to him. He looked down at me briefly before looking back toward Luther.

"You have a mind link but you don't have the mark of an alpha's Luna. Why's that? The mighty alpha Leandor doesn't want to be known as the alpha with the ratty dog as his mate?" Luther taunted stepping more into the room shutting the door behind him. I growled at his comment. He was unfazed. "If he only new. Poor thing, did I hurt your feelings?"

"Did you come here to piss me off or do you want something?" I seethed impatiently wanting him to mercilessly disappear. Such a think just could not be wished though.

"I see you like to get down to it. Well as you might have already connected the dots and your big mouth of a sister probably already told you that I want you back in my territory where you've always belonged." I scuffed and Luther glared daggers in my direction. He walk around us in a circle but not once to Talon allow him between us.

"I don't belong to you anymore Luther. And neither does Elena. Now where is she?! I know you took her." I said raising my voice. Luther smirked and I swear he was enjoying my discomfort towards this touchy topic.

"Well duh... Who else would want such a tainted whore like her. It's a pity such a powerful beta like Vincent got stuck with a mate like her. Such a shame really." He spoke sarcastically.

I stepped out from behind Talon to stand beside him. Luther was leaned against a book case near the only exit.

"Shut up! I swear all you do talk bullshit. I want my sister back and I want her here now!"

"No!" Luther yelled back at me. A ping of hopelessness came over me and I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Frustrated to the point I wanted to curl up and except the fact that my life was practically ruined.

"Why not? We haven't done anything to you?! We have nothing left at your pack! No mate, no relatives, no family... No parents." My voice cracked at the end. "I-I don't understand."

"You don't have to understand. I know your caring the silver wolf gene and so does your sister. That's two of you plus this idiot here." Talon growled when Luther pointed in his direction. "I have two twin sons needing mates. And what two better candidates than two silver wolf sisters with the strength and power as you two."

The pity of my stomach dropped to hell. Was he saying what I think he's saying? Was he imply what I believe he was implying? What a sick twisted bastard. He wanted us to mate with his sons for power!

"You're even sicker than I thought." I whispered raising my eyes toward his. "And you would do this to your own sons? How do they feel about this?! But you can't make us mate with them we have mates of our own one of which has already mated with."

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