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"What's become of us" Clare questioned as the group began digging at the spot Toto had been buried. 

Nora did have questions on how ethical it was to hide the dogs body in order to trick the church, but at the same time she really didn't want to be left out of anymore group activities. 

"Hey, at least now that we know it's piss it means you didn't miss out on the miracle" James said to Nora hoping to cheer the girl up. 

"Yeah maybe now you can shut your mouth bout it" Michelle chimed in getting a glare from James and Nora. 

"ACTually James, this whole thing makes it worse" The boy looked at her confused "There are now layers to the event. It's not a one off miracle, it is now a full fledged story, one that you'll tell your grandkids one dad. And guess what, I don't get to be apart of that grand story" the girl huffed. 

"Less yapping and more shovelling" Erin insisted waving her arms about at the group getting them to return to their digging. "And Clare, keep an eye on that kitchen window" 

"I want no part in this" the short girl insisted. 

"Well you're in too deep now Clare" 

"Lucky" Nora mumbled, jealous that Clare had such a deep rooted part in the story. 

"We're stealing a body Nora, nothing about this is lucky... or ethical" Clare yelled at the girl. 

"Let's just get it over with and never, ever speak of it again" James suggested, stressed about the potential to loose his friendship status with Peter. 

"Jesus christ my nails are ruined" Michelle complained inspecting her recently painted nails.

 "Less talking more digging" Erin repeated. 

"I'll fix them for you later" Nora whispered to her friends, having experience with nail art. 

"I've got something" Orla began pulling a box that was meant to contain the body of Toto from out of the box. 

"Give it here" Erin held out her hands, though she obviously did not want to take the box. "Right. Me and Michelle will go stash him somewhere and the rest of you can fill it back in" 

"Open the box Erin" Peter appeared from seemingly nowhere, causing Nora to jump back, slightly leaning on James. 

The boy grabbed her shoulder both to comfort her, and himself: terrified of the appearance of the priest. 

"Oh God" 

"Yes he is with us don't be afraid my child" Peter insisted. Erin looked up to her group in which Nora gave her a slow nod. They were going to have to own up to their lies, and now was the time to do it. Erin sighed and went to open the box. 

She lifted the box to reveal... a completely empty box. Nora let out a gasp grabbing onto James' hand, who also looked at the box in utter disbelief. 

"Listen I can-" Erin cut herself off, looking down to also notice that there was no body within the box. "Oh no actually I can't. I can't explain" 

Peter's eye's widened in surprise "Thanks be to God" he cried holding out his arms.

James copied his actions "Thanks be to God"


'Nora stop" James tried to swat her hands away as she continued to reach up for his hair. The group were waiting for the photographers to finish setting up outside of Erin's house and in this time Nora decided she was now James' personal stylist. 

"Please just let my flatten down this curl" 

"It's fine Nora" 

"It's completely uneven" The boy finally let out a sigh and lowered his hands allowing the girl to do whatever she wanted. She let out a giggle and instantly began styling his hair with the mass amount of mousse that was already in it. 

"Alright let's get started" the photographer clapped his hands as the group began getting into poses. 

"Well aren't you going to get in place" the photographer gestured to Nora annoyed. The girl had place herself to the side of the camera. 

"Oh I wasn't apart of-" 

"Come off it Nora and get in the fucking photograph" Michelle interrupted gesturing for the girl to fill the spot between James and Erin. 


"Your apart of the group so get in" Erin insisted while James furiously waved his arm to call her over. The girl let out a happy squeal excited to finally get to join and sprinted to her spot. She joined the group in making holy symbols and posing for the newspaper. 

"I'll be one minute" Erin mumbled making her way over to peter. Nora let out a happy sigh, both towards seeing Peter, but mainly because she got to join the group. 

"You really don't like being left out" James looked down at the smiling girl, a mood that completely contrasted how she had been the rest of the day. She blushed slightly

"I mean ye-ah, I wouldn't say more than the average person, it's just - I - You" the girl stumbled through her words embarrassed that her slight clinginess to the group had been exposed. 

"It's not a bad thing:" James corrected "I'm just happy you're feeling better" 

"I just love my friends you know, they make me happy" the girl smiled. 

James looked down nervously kicking his shoe "am I...... Included in that?"

The boy had a preference for the groups brunette, her being the only one to truly treat him with kindness. Still he wasn't 100% if she considered him a friend or if she just was a naturally kind person. 

She smiled at the boy even wider wrapping her arms around him giving him a hug "Of course you're my friend". 

Suddenly Peter stormed passed them, causing James to let go of the girl trying to follow his role model. 

'"Well the jig is up" Erin stated joining the group. 

"Seriously you told him?" Michelle questioned angrily. 

"Yep and now he's gone for ever" Erin stared at the man who left a sad looking James standing in the street. Nora decided to speak 

"I hate to watch him go, but God do I love to see him leave"


"So he's just going to pack in the priesthood now, is he? Completely" Michelle asked the group, referring to Peter. 

"Well you can't really go in part time" Erin answered sadly as the group waited out in the school hall. 

"All because of us?" Orla asked, an almost proud look upon her face. 

"Not all because of us Orla" Erin insisted. 

"I mean it is a bit because of us" Nora chimed in, kicking her feet subtly under the chair. 

"But, it was mostly because it turns out he had a connection with one of the colourists in hair and flair" Erin spoke jealousy. 

"Lucky girl" Nora whispered, upset at the man for his actions to her friends but still slightly enamoured with the man. She just needed another 3-4 business days to get over it. 

"Have you seen this" James approached the girls holding up a newspaper. The front cover held a picture of the group and the headline "Wicked Hoax" 

"Jesus christ" Erin let out while Clare groaned. 

"This is good" Michelle tried to convince her friends "Wicked means good in England, doesn't it?" 

"But we're not in England are we Michelle?" James asked, a bit smug that he got to through her words back in her face. 

"What are you smiling at?" Clare frustratedly asked Nora who had a "wicked" grin on her face.

 "Six" she read from the newspaper "SIX local students have been creators of a cruel prank....I'm apart of the story". 

Orla brought the smiling girl into a hug, while Michelle tried to roll her eyes but instead let out a smile. 

"Ladies" Sister Micheal stepped out allowing the group to step in to finally take their history exam. Nora waved them goodbye, happy for this to be the one thing she did't do with the group. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now