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Nora stomach grumbled as she walked up to Erin's front door. 

It appears neither her or her dad had gone grocery shopping in the past week and though crackers could get her through for breakfast, she wasn't going to last through lunch. As she rang the doorbell she prayed that the family wouldn't mind her coming early...and taking their food.

It was Orla who opened the door "Aye hello Orla, is it 3 o'clock already?" she asked looking around for a clock. 

"No" Nora replied "I just thought i may come by... have lunch with you lot". Orla nodded "Nice. You can meet our wee Russian" 


Two voices correct as Orla led Nora into their dining room. 

One voice belonged to Nora's good friend Erin, but the other was a voice she had never heard before. Entering she saw a very pretty girl, the same age as her. She had long black hair with a fringe and the rest of her clothing matched the girls dark hair. 

Nora stood in shock for a second both entranced by her beauty but also not used to seeing someone dressed in such a dark aesthetic. It highly contrasted the bright floral shirt and pink shirt the Kelly girl was wearing. 

"Uh, hi my name is Nora" the girl stumbled out, still looking at the Ukrainian girl with wide eyes. 

"Katya" the girl simply responded. 

"That's a very pretty name" Nora whispered, something she did not intend to speak. This caught Katya's attention. 

"You have pretty face" the girl responded "though you do not present it as such.......you have no confidence" 

Nora blushed, but ultimately nodded at the girls statement "yeah pretty much"

 "Don't worry, I will teach you" and with that Nora had unintentionally gained a new friend and mentor.


Nora sat next to Katya, who had practically yanked her down to sit next to her before Orla or Erin could. 

"So Katya, I've done a bit of an itinerary for your stay" Erin began, looking through her book. "You should have received a copy in my last letter". 

"I don't read your letters Erin" Katya coldly responded 

"I'm sorry, I don't follow" 

"You're letters, they bore" 

"They're boring" Erin corrected the girl. 

"Exactly" Katya scoffed turning to Nora. "Is she always like this?" she questioned. 

Too focused on staring at the colour of the girls eyes Nora gave a silent nod, causing Erin to groan in frustration. Suddenly the door swung open and Clare, Michelle and James stuck their heads into the room 

"Your ma said we could come up and have a look at the Russian" Michelle stated causing Katya to roll her eyes and offer Nora a cigarette. Nora took it but didn't really know what to do with it so instead just held it in her hand awkwardly, twirling it every few seconds. 

"Isn't she cracker?" Nora nodded her head at Orla's word, "she's half mine" 

"No she's not Orla" Erin butted in 

"Aye, she is. Mammy said so" 

"Your so lucky Erin. I begged my Ma to let me have one but she said we've got no room now that my dickhead, ballbag, English prick of a cousin's moved in" Michelle turned to the boy behind her "Talking about you James in case your wondering" 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now