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Nora walked as quietly as she could. 

After gossiping and.... well mainly Michelle wanted to gossip the pair had tired themselves out. By the time they laid down in Michelle's bed, the curly haired girl was out like a light. 

Nora was having a harder time falling asleep and decided a glass of water would do her good. 

As she reached down for the handle of the bathroom the door swung open. There stood James in his pyjamas a face mask on his face. 

Even in this state, Nora couldn't help get a warm feeling over how cute the boy was. 

"Nora?" the boy questioned, slightly embarrassed that she was seeing him like this.

"Sorry I was getting some water" she gestured to the glass in her hand. 

"Right" the boy spoke, awkwardly stepping to the side so the girl could enter. James stood there for a second, not leaving the bathroom quite yet 

"I'm sorry that we didn't...ya know" James apologised 

"James it's alright I get it, your mum's home of course you want to hang out with her" The two stood in silence for a bit, neither of them wanting to speak. Nora repeated Sarah's words in her head: gotta make the first move. 

"I liked the kiss" Nora blurted out, her cheeks absolutely burning. 

"I liked it too" James slowly admitted, a smile breaking out on hies face. He was happy something was finally being said, he was too scared to mention it. He could deal with her not dating him, but he didn't want to hear a true rejection. 

 "So.. what do we do from now" Nora asked stepping slightly closer to the boy. 

"I'm not too sure" he responded, also taking a step forward. Theire faces were close and Nora could feel his breath on her skin. She wasn't sure who made the first move but in seconds the two were kissing again. 

It wasn't a deep one but it still held every ounce of passion the two had.

 When they pulled away Nora decided to speak again "I want to be something with you" Nora admitted "I don't know what you want to call it but I want it to be more than friends" 

"I want that too" James admitted, his eyes still slightly stary from the kiss. He came to his senses slightly. "Nora I gotta tell you though, I'm-" 

"Shove over I gotta piss" 

The two jumped seeing Michelle stumbling into the room. The girl was half asleep and maybe even drunk so she didn't question the fact the two were in the bathroom together and in such close proximity. 

"Right, I should head to bed" James spoke as he headed to the door 

"Me too" Nora said following him 

"Wait no Nora stay. I just remembered another thing about Randy Jackson. It's cracker" the half asleep girl spoke. 

"Right" Nora sighed, she was happy to help the girl but her head was screaming to stay with James. Alas she gave him a said smile 

"Good night James" 

"Good night Nora"


Nora held tightly onto James' hand as the pushed through the crowd to find Clare in the crowd. Ever since the group had left the house James had been awfully quiet, but Nora assumed it was due to the fact he had to separate from his mother. 

The group finally found Clare who had a busted up lip. "It's the best spot. I got the best spot." Clare announce to the group. 

"What happened to your face love?" Nora asked moving forward to check Clare for any other injuries. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now