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Clare sat on Nora's bed as Nora dug through her closet. 

"What do I even wear to this kinda thing?" the girl questioned. 

"What you have on is fine" the girl groaned, antsy to get out. 

"Come on Clare, it's not often ya get a carnival in Derry I want to look nice for it" Nora exclaimed, going through more and more of her shirts. 

"Can the two of you hurry up" Michelle came bounding up the stairs, Erin trailing behind her a pack of crisps in her hand. 

The Kelly house was always packed with snacks, seemingly an attempt by Cillian to make up for the lack of home cooked meals. 

"Calm down Michelle" Clare insisted "aren't we waiting on James anyway?"

 Michelle shook her head "nah, I told him we weren't catching up til late in the day" she laughed. 

"Isn't that a bit mean" Nora piped up, feeling bad for the boy she now oficially considered a friend. 

"Oh come on, when was the last time we got to hang out just the five of us?" Michelle exclaimed. 

"Five?" Erin questioned only noticing four girls in the room.

"Aye" Orla stated, emerging from behind Erin (causing the girl to jump) in Nora's bathrobe and a face mask. Nora smiled that her friend was made comfy "it was been a while since just us girls were together, the carnival will do us good"

 Clare sighed " I hope it's like the one's in the movies, like those carnival's they have in America"

"I'm willing to bet it's going to bet it'll be even better Clare and you want to know why" Nora smiled 

"cause we'll be there"

It was not better. 

After changing into a pink heart filled t-shirt that Nora had got for valentine's day, the five girls made their way to the grand carnival. They were met with a handful of tables with second hand objects, a single food truck and a handful of games. 

"Well this is absolute shit" Michelle sighed, taking out a flask she snuck in her bag and taking a swig. 

"Should we go back to yours Nora?" Erin questioned as she looked out at the almost empty lot. 

"No" Nora yelled "I know it's not what we were expecting but we should at least check it out....right?" 

 Michelle groaned "fine, but you got 5 minutes to find something interesting, then we're leaving"

 Nora let out an excited squeal as she pulled forward an unamused looking Clare. Nora ducked through stalls looking for anything of interest til she found it. Hanging above on of the booths sat a crocodile toy. 

It took up the length about half of her arm and the legs all came down to uneven lengths. The eyes of the toy were too big for the head they had been poorly sewn onto and the toy was obviously missing some teeth. 

"What the fuck is that" Michelle questioned catching up to the girl. 

"I want it" Nora's eyes seemed to shimmer as she looked up at the toy. 

"You sure Nora, don't ya think it's a bit..." Clare started looking for the words 

"Ugly" Erin finished bluntly. 

Nora gasped "what do you mean, look at it" the girl pointed, not being able to believe their distaste for it. 

"I've seen that toy in my nightmares" Orla looked at it with fear. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now