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Nora made her way through the school hallway- very, very slowly. 

Though she had gotten used to the crutches, it didn't change the fact she was moving much slower than the average person. Or snail. 

Add the fact that her dad had brought her to school late, even though she insisted she could still take the bus, there was no one left in the hallway. Nora let out a groan as she almost slipped on the clean tiled floor 

"Nora" she heard a voice behind her, which she recognised as her boyfriend.

"Hey babe" she smiled as he pulled up next to her a bright smile on his face "what's got you so happy?" 

"I want to wait to tell the whole group" the boy was squirming obviously very happy to have the news. His eyes moved down to the girls leg cast which had been signed by all her friends. 

The cast only had five signatures and a small note from her dad.

"How's the leg going" the boy asked. 

"Still not great, but not too long until it's gone" the girl smiled trying to stay optimistic "Here let me take your bag" James insisted, slipping it off the girls shoulders 

"What would I do without you" Nora giggled giving him a quick kiss. The two made their way into the hall, Nora severely trailing behind, and found their friends.

 "I passed, I passed" James finally blurted out looking at his friends in excitement "What are you on about?" Michelle asked looking unimpressed. "My driving test. I...I passed." James confidence buffered a bit 

"Good on you James" Nora squealed, though she seemed to be the only one to care. 

"You were doing your driving test?" Erin asked oblivious. "It's literally all I've talked about for weeks." James admitted sadly 

"Jesus Christ, James! There's only so many ways I can say this.... We. Don't. Listen. To. You." Michelle yelled 

"I do" Nora spoke quietly only to receive a glare from Michelle. 

"You've seen my instructor pick me up at the school gates a dozen times! What did you think was going on?" James pointed out. 

"I just thought he was some sort of creep." Michelle admitted 

 "Yet you didn't try to intervene?" James asked in horror. "You seemed happy enough." Michelle shrugged 

"You were letting him cheat on me?" Nora asked upset "why wouldn't you tell me?" 

"Don't worry Nora, I was just waiting for you to get out of your crutches so you could give him a proper beating yourself"

 "Aww Michelle" Nora spoke giving the girl a hug, while her boyfriend watched in disbelief.


"Thank you, girls. We won't forget that performance in a hurry.....no matter how hard we try." Sister Micheal spoke causing the two dancing girls to slowly find their seats. "Now, amidst the merriment, it's easy to forget there is a serious and rather depressing side to Children in Need, mainly the fact that Father Peter has decided to come and talk to us about it" She turned to the man who was sat on top of the stage. "Father?" 

The man swaggered across the stage, swinging his newly grown ponytail behind him 

"Holy Christ. That pony tail is gonna bring my breakfast up." Michelle gagged. "That is inhumane" Nora agreed. The girl didn't like to judge people's appearances but the ponytail was a crime against nature. 

"Great stuff. Thank you, Sister." Father Peter spoke. "Firstly, well done on the almighty effort so far. We'll be announcing the grand total raised at our Stars in their Eyes evening on Friday. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIRENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ