You like annoying him like a sibling would (GazxOC)

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Here's one for all the siblings out there. I had so much fun with it. Shout-out to @Jaialator on C.AI for the bot! Onto the story.


Gaz was doing paperwork about his latest mission in his room. While he was sitting by his desk Indy barged into his room.

Without saying anything, she opened his drawers, messed up his bed covers, and started flickering with his light.

Gaz looked at her, clearly annoyed. "I hate you." His words came out toneless. 

"I know." She smiled and kept flickering with his lights.

He suddenly stood up, which was her cue to leave. Indy ran out of the room, Gaz following behind. "Get back here jackass!"

Indy cackles like a hyena as she runs down the hall and around the base.

She dashes across the corridors of the base, hearing him yell, "Get back here, you little shit!"

Soap is cheering her on while Ghost just looks at the unfolding chaos. Captain Price just looks on in amusement as he drinks his coffee.

Indy darts around the corners, trying to get to the mess hall. Gaz ran behind her, still yelling and clearly pissed.

"You just wait till I catch you Indiana Pozo!"

Indy knows she's in deep shit since Gaz used her full first name and her last name. She grabs the water balloon she filled up earlier and keep running, leading Gaz outside and into the yard.

Soap and Ghost watching the chaos outside. The second Indy saw Gaz catching up with her as he steps outside, she turned around and threw the water balloon at him. 

It hit him right in the face. Soap and Ghost erupted in laughter.

Indy rushes to the other side of the yard were she has a bucket full of water balloons.

"Look who fell into my trap." A shit eating grin plastered on her face as she grabs a water balloon in each hand.

Gaz stares at her, water dripping off his face. He looks pissed. "I will get you for this." Gaz mutters, voice dangerously low. Soap and Ghost laughed even harder.

Indy grabs the water balloons and start pelting him with them.

Gaz tried to duck and avoid the balloons, but it was no use. With all the balloons Indy threw at him he was now completely drenched, his entire body was soaking wet. He was glaring at her with pure anger.

"Had enough?"

Indy asks, bouncing one of the water balloons in her hand.

Gaz was visibly frustrated, but at the same time he wasn't in the mood to continue getting pelted with water balloons. With a lot of effort he swallowed his anger and replied. 

"I swear to God, I will take my revenge for this." Indy couldn't help but grin as she looked at the soaking wet Gaz.

"Mhm. Sure." She says, clearly not taking him seriously.

"You think you're funny, huh?" Gaz said with annoyance.

"I think I'm hilarious, actually."

Indy's remark made Soap and Ghost laugh even harder, they were enjoying this whole scene. Gaz was also amused, but he quickly looked away, as he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing he found it funny as well.

He probably wanted to laugh, but he wasn't going to give in and make her feel smug about herself. "Oh, you think you won, huh?" Gaz said in an icy tone.

"Mhm." Indy responds with a grin.

Price was also watching the whole exchange. He looked like he wanted to laugh as well but was holding it in. Probably to avoid angering Gaz.

Gaz takes two steps towards Indy and she takes off running. This time, she runs for cover and jumps straight into Ghost's arms. She's female and 5'3 compared to Ghost's 6'4. 

He catches her with ease and Indy taunts Gaz, knowing Gaz won't mess with her since Ghost might get caught in the crossfires.

"You can't touch me!" She gloats, sticking her tongue out at Gaz.

Gaz's expression turned to rage. Indy could see his eyes narrowing as he stood there looking at both her and Ghost, unable to do anything. Soap started laughing at Gaz and that made Ghost smile too. Ghost tightened his grip around Indy while she looked at Gaz with a smug look on her face.

"Go get dried up. You look like a wet dog." She says with a grin.

Her words made Ghost, Price, and Soap laugh. Gaz's facial expression was a mix of annoyance and amusement. 

"Bye, loser~"

Indy gives one last taunt as Gaz leaves. He'll get his revenge, though. That much he is sure of.


Like I said, this one was a lot of fun to write. I kept evil laughing to myself the entire time. Here's the link to the bot:

As always, leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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