*Sigh* He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 5

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....it's my birthday and I'll do what I like, even if it means making a part 5 to this. This story better reach the damned Nikto fans out there!


Nikto and Indy have been together for a while now. It's an odd thing to see no matter which team member you ask. Indy, while reserved, is clearly more outgoing and friendly than Nikto. What Indy sees in him, not many are sure. All they know is that Nikto is less of a stone wall and just a tad happier than what would be considered usual. A tad of any emotion is a lot when it comes to Nikto.

He keeps up his usual tough persona whenever they aren't alone. Indy keeps up with her affection not really caring who is around. A kiss to the cheek here, holding his hand there, a hug in between, anything she wants while still staying within reason. She knows better than to go full lovey-dovey. Nikto doesn't really react, not in front of the team, but he does enjoy it.

It's a rare off day on base. No missions to run and no impending mission to worry about just yet. Nikto is sitting on a stool as he casually listens to a teammate. Indy sneaks up and wraps her arms around him from behind. She doesn't interupt the conversation, just gives him the hug and rest her chin on his shoulder.

Nikto doesn't speak as the sudden surprise caughtes him off guard. He stiffens and freezes up for a second before his body suddenly relaxes and he leans back into the hug. His focus is still on his teammate but it's clear his muscles untense after realizing who the embrace is from.

As the conversation continues, he seems to get quite agitated by the teammate's presence, as if this whole thing is an inconvenience for him. He wants to hug Indy instead of being in this awkward position of talking to someone while having her wrapped around him at the same time.

Indy notices his discomfort and lets him out of the hug. Nikto gives a little sigh of relief but he looks over at Indy with disappointment on his face. Indy's gotten better at gauging his emotions even when he has his mask on, so it's easy enough for her to tell. His expression clearly shows he didn't want Indy to let him go.

She lets him finish his conversation and goes to grab a drink from the kitchen. The moment she leans over the counter and grabs a water bottle, Nikto appears behind her and wraps his arm around Indy's midriff, pulling her against his body.

He's completely ignoring the fact that there are other team members around that may be watching. Nikto doesn't care, he is acting exactly as his body and his mind wants: Indy, and only Indy.

"Giving me some affection?" She asks, smiling up at the giant of a man who's arms she's now trapped in.

"Yes, I am." He replies clearly as he keeps her pressed against him, his arm still wrapped tightly around her waist.

"And if anyone has a problem with that, fuck them." He adds on. Indy can sense his possesivness building up once again.

"Grizzly bear~" She teases playfully.

Nikto's face darkens at her words but it's obvious she can tell he actually likes being her grizzly bear. He doesn't say much in response but his body language tells a different story. Nikto long ago accepted that he's a bear in her eyes. Depending on his mood, he was either her teddy bear or grizzly bear. 

At the moment, though, he didn't want to be a grizzly bear. Nikto roughly buries his face into her neck, keeping her in a tight grip. It's hard for him to be soft on his own, always rough and cold. He tries, though, and Indy was always more than happy to help him relax and let his guard down. Indy picks up on the shift in his body language, agressively 'affectionate', and gently addresses it.

"Teddy bear?" She asks softly, trying to gauge where his head is at.

He looks at her with piercing eyes and she can tell he is struggling. He wants to be that, but he is still that rough edged tough guy. He nuzzles her neck as a hint to what he wants her to do.

"Mi Osito." Indy says softly as she turns around to return the hug.

(Translation: Osito is basically a cute version of the pet name 'bear'.)

The moment Indy calls him 'Mi Osito', his body immediately relaxes. Even though he doesn't respond verbally yet, his body is speaking volumes.

"Let's head to a room. You pick, mine or yours." She says to him, knowing that it will be easier to get him to go soft if she can get him somewhere private.

Without even responding back, he wraps his arm tightly around Indy's waist and pulls her towards his room. She chuckle as she's dragged. Obviously, she don't resist and let him take her away. The team is trying not to gape and keep their mouths shuts. Everyone is silently trying to keep their shock, smiles, and laughs to themselves. Nikto might be soft with Indy, but that doesn't apply to anyone else.

They make it to his room and he doesn't even hesitate to roughly pull them both into his bed. Indy's stuck under him as he lays on her torso, leaving his head on her chest. She carresses his face over his mask.

"Peluchito bonito." She coos at him.

(Translation: pretty teddy bear.)

He makes a grumbling noise and scowls as his body relaxes and continues to sink into her. 

"Mi peluchito."  She presses a kiss to his cheek.

"Mi osito." Another a kiss to his forehead.

"Todo mio." Indy is also possesive, and it is possible she's just as possesive as Nikto, she's just much better at hiding it.

(Translation: My teddy bear. My bear. All mine.)

He melts into her and seems absolutely content and happy. "You're too nice to me."

Indy chuckles at that. "I gotta make up for all the times other people weren't nice to you."

A knock on Nikto's door pulls them both out of their little bubble. Nikto is startled by the knock on the door and immediately sits up in bed, still with Indy in his arms as if he's trying to protect her. He turns that aggressive mode of his body on in a second and he's now ready for anything.

"Relax. It's probably someone from the team." Indy says quietly, nuzzling her face into his neck to get him to calm down.

"I'm not taking chances." Nikto says as he pulls he pulls them back down onto the bed and puts his body over her. If anyone comes through that door they are going to see nothing but him.

"Hiding me from the world?" Indy jokes, finding his antics amusing.

He grins at her comment and responds with a sincere tone. "Well I can't just let anyone see you. I have to protect my teddy bear." 

"Oh? I'm teddy bear, too?" There is pure amusement in Indy's voice as he refers to her as 'teddy bear' just like she does to him.

Nikto nods and holds her tighter. "You're too damn soft and comfy. A teddy bear."

"Alright, I'll be your teddy bear as long as you are mine." Indy says with a chuckle.

"I'm definitely yours." He replies with a slight smirk on his face.

Another knock on the door has Nikto huffing in frustration. Indy simply solves the issue.

She turns to the door and growls from the bed. "Leave. If either Nikto or I have to open that door, whoever's on the other side will be losing a lot of blood."

A scurrying is heard outside the door and the couple is once again left alone. Nikto had never hear Indy speak like that and is extremely attracted to her sudden shift in character. He has a gleeful expression that's impossible to miss, even with his mask on. 

Indy grins at him before speaking. "What? Did you think I was cuddly and affectionate all the time? I protect what mine, too, Osito." She chuckles as Nikto only gets more and more excited.

"Do it again..."


You know what? I'm not gonna apologize. *Grabs birthday hat and aggressively places it on head* Happy Birthday to me! I promise this story is finished. No more parts. Ever.

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