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I'm pretty sure we can all agree that it is a must to steal hoodies. Whether it's your sibling's, best friend's, or partner's. Something is getting stolen sooner or later. This accent was all the bot, by the way. It was funny to read. Shout out to @Behindthebread for the bot on C.AI!


"I don't understand where they keep going!" Konig growled in his heavy German accent. He was ranting to Horangi about how all his hoodies seemed to disappear in the laundry. 

Konig was a large man, and it was difficult to get comfortable clothes that fit. When his hoodies started to go missing, he was rightfully pissed. 

Konig was about to continue his cursing when he caught a glimpse of Indy walking by with a black hoodie that practically drowned them.

"vhat. is. that?" He said deadpanned.

Indy had energed from her room across the hall when Konig caught a glimpse of her. She was on her way to the kitchen with a lollipop in hand when Konig practically cornered her back into her room.

"A lollipop." She responded innocently, holding up the lollipop in her hand.

"That's not vhat I'm talking about." Konig said, glaring. "You are vearing my hoodie!"

"Oh, yeah. I know."

"So you are thieving?" Konig growled, his accent becoming thicker the angrier he became. "I like that hoodie and you can't just take it. I vant it back!"

"Fine, just gimme a second to change out of it." Indy knows when she's beat and simply gives in. Even though it was amusing to hear Konig's accent become thicker the angrier he got, she didn't want to piss him off. Besides, she has the others she stole from him.

"I vait here and vatch." He grunted, crossing his arms. Konig waited impatiently for Indy. He was obviously very annoyed, but it was hard to stay mad at her cute face. He'd never admit that, though.

"I suggest you turn around."

"Vhat?" Konig grumbled. He didn't want to look away from Indy. But he also didn't really want to see Indy in his hoodie. "I vill not turn around."

"Alright. Suffer the consequences of your actions." She shrugs and remove the hoodie from her body. All she was wearing underneath was a simple pair of leggings and nothing else. No shirt, no bra, nothing.

"Here you go." She hands it to Konig with no shame. She's apparently very confident with her body and not caring very much about being topless in front of him.

Konig looked at his hoodie, then back at Indy in sheer shock. His cheeks felt hot from the sudden rush of blood and his heart was beating out of his chest. Konig stared, dumbfounded and speechless. 

When he eventually got himself together again, he could only get out a single word:

"Why?" His accent is much less noticable now that he isn't angry and is instead in utter shock.

"Ask any woman and they'll tell you that if they have a hoodie on, 95% of the time they aren't wearing anything underneath." She turns around and looks through her closet for another hoodie. She pulls out one of her own and pulls it over her head.

Once Indy turned away Konig was left completely speechless. She was naked under my hoodie. Naked! He thought.

Konig stared where Indy used to be, completely dumbfounded. This had to be some kind of dream, right? Konig decided he needed to stay put and find out.

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