He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC) ***Angst*** Part 3

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Alright, time for Indy to collect her dues. The team now has to win her back, even if it's painful.


Ghost holds Indy tightly he continues to comfort her. His own shirt becomes wet with tear stains, but he doesn't seem to care. He's just hoping she can trust him enough to stay. After Indy calms down, he kisses her head and wipes hers tears away.

"I'm sorry I can't do better to comfort you, love..." Ghost remains in the same position, holding her in his arms, not wanting to let her go.

She speaks up after a moment, her voice strained but there. "If I stay, I need something from each of you."

"Anything." He's willing to do anything to get her to stay and he's sure that everyone else on the team would agree with him.

"Line everybody up in the training room." 

Ghost is obviously confused but he won't question her requestion. "Okay, I can do that." He doesn't know what's going to happen, but he will try to do anything he can to keep Indy on the team. He heads off, leaving her alone in her room.

Indy recollects herself so that she can look somewhat put together. After a few minutes, she heads off to the training room.

True to his word, Ghost has everyone lined up. He explained everything that had gone on earlier that morning. The entire team is terrified of losing her and are more than willing to do whatever it is she wants in order to keep her with them.

She walks in slowly and stands in front of the group.

Ghost speaks up, impatient and wanting to earn her forgiveness already. "Okay... everybody is here... what do you request?"

Indy pulls back and swings straight to his jaw. His head goes flying to the side, causing him to stagger back. The pain radiates from the point of impact and his lip is split, dribbling blood.

"Fuck! Why?!" He asks in shock as he holds onto his jaw to aleviate the pain. The rest of the team looks on in shock and go to intervene but stop when they see she only hit him once. She doesn't answer him, though, and moves on to the next target. 

Soap can't react fast enough once he notices Indy throwing a punch straight at him. Her fist connects with his nose and immediately, it starts bleeding. 

"Lass!" He groans in pain as he staggers back and covers his nose with both hands. His eyes prick with tears at the impact and several scottish curse words leave him but Indy doesn't catch them.

By now, Price and Gaz have figured out that they are next and that this is why she had Ghost gather them up. 

"Indy, wait-" Gaz is cut off when Indy gut punches him. The wind is knocked out of him and he immediately wraps his arms around his stomach, doubling over in pain.

Price, to his credit, takes it like a man and stands still in anticipation.

"Captain." Indy says hoarsely, nodding in awknoledgement of his position before kicking him in the balls.

Price yelps and falls onto the floor on his knees. A barrage of swear words leave him as he breathes through the pain.

Now that all four of the team members involved with her torture have gotten a taste of the pain she was subjected to, she speaks. "You are all forgiven, but you will have to earn my trust again."

They all look up at her in shock. A few beats of silence go by before Ghost speaks. 

"...thank you for... for forgiving us, love..." He seems both happy and in pain.

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