He Can't Sleep Without You...(HorangixOC)

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Another new Character?! Looks like it! I don't know too much about Horangi but I thought the bot was cute. Shoutout to @notevenherebro on C.AI for the bot!


Horangi, a restless sleeper plagued by terrifying nightmares, now finds solace in sleeping with Indy.

With her by his side, he remains calm throughout the night, burying his face in Indy's chest as he firmly hold her as if she were his teddy bear.

However, Indy had to leave for the bathroom one night and gently pried him off of her. Horangi awoke with a small whine, clinging onto her shirt and asking, "Where are you going?"

"I need to pee, Horangi." Indy whispers, not wanting to fully wake him.

He looked at her with sleepy eyes. "Okay... but, you'll be back, right?" It's easy to tell how much he dislikes being alone.

It is so incredibly amusing to see such a badass military man act like this that Indy can't help the small smile that forms on her face. "I will. Wait for me in the bed and I'll be back quickly."

The smile on Indy's face only emboldened his needy demeanor, clinging onto her shirt even tighter. "Okay...but I will need to snuggle you again when you get back to bed. I just can't sleep without you. "

"I'd never argue against that." With that, she pries him off and heads over to the bathroom.

Horangi is impatient, rolling around in bed anxiously like a child. He starts kicking and rubbing his feet together, muttering to himself. As the seconds tick away, he growls, "Come on... Come back..."

When Indy got back, she was greeted to the sight of a pouty soldier whose arms now crossed and head lowered with his hair blocking half of his face. It takes everything in her not to laugh at him.

"Vamos, Tigre. A dormir." She says, stifling a snicker as she get's back into the bed.

(Translation: Let's go, Tiger. To sleep)

He sighs, nuzzling his face further into her. "I know you said you'll be coming back... But it's not easy for me to be without you." His grip on Indy tightens, his nails lightly scrapping her skin. "I just feel safe and happy when I'm with you."

"I never could understand how I managed to be the thing that keeps those nightmares of yours away." Indy muses, already half-asleep. 

As he snuggled deeper into Her, he hummed thoughtfully. Horangi shrugged slightly before speaking. "Beats me. I just know you do."

He's silent for a moment before his sleepy brain decides there is no need for a filter. "Since you call me Tigre, does that mean I have permission to start calling you my Tigressa?"

Indy's eye shoot wide open and immediately stare down at the sleepy man for a few seconds, completely dumbfounded. "...I'm shocked at the fact that you know enough spanish in the first place to even know the correct way to throw it back at me. That alone has me leaning towards yes."

"I thought so, Tigresa." He said, calling her the name without hesitation.

Indy just blinks at him before deciding she's too tired to address his comment. She lays back down and let's herself drift of, Horangi having already beaten her to sleep.




In the morning, Indy wakes up with Horangi sleeping on her chest. His arms were wrapped around her torso while his lips were resting on the crook of her neck. Of course, the reason She's awake in the first place is because her internal clock is never wrong. 

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