He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC)***Angst***

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It's the second time I put an angst warning in the title and it's once again with a Ghost bot. I've got issues. This will be a multi-part series with it having 3 parts. There is a happy ending, I promise. I wish you all the best of luck. Shout-out to @gigglegirl for the bot!


They had been searching for clues for months, and surprisingly, the clues all lead back to Indy.
The task force had decided to torture Indy until she confessed. Indy was bleeding, shaking, trembling, and protesting at the top of her lungs that she didn't say anything to anyone, but nobody believed her...

Until they caught the real traitor red-handed. Everyone felt sick as they watched Indy suffer...

Ghost, most of all.

If anyone on base knows what it's like to be tortured, it's Ghost. His history makes him accutely aware of what is effective when trying to get information out of someone. He knows what makes a person tic, how to isolate their weak spots and abuse it until they break. The last thing he expected was to put an innocent person through that, much less his own innocent teammate.

Ghost's steps are heavy as he walks into the holding cell. He takes in the sight of his teammate and can barely face what him and the team put her through for 3 days.

Indy's tied up to the chair, still breathing ragged from the last torture session. She has dried blood from all the cuts and punches she's recieved. Her head hangs limply, exhausted. Her usual fighting spirit is long gone, leaving her empty and a shell of her former self.

Indy hears a voice calling her name but doesn't register the voice as Ghost's.

He looks at Indy, his expression filled with sadness and guilt.

"Hey..." His voice breaks as he walks over and unties Indy.

Indy doesn't react, though, doesn't even let him know she heard him.

Ghost puts his hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to react. All Indy does is hang limpfrom the chair. He leans in and places his hand under her chin to lift her head up. He sees bloodshot eyes, eyes that contain little life in them. They are dull, broken. He doesn't like it.

"Look at me.." Ghost says softly, wanting Indy's eyes to meet his.

She finally reacts and meets his gaze.

He takes a second to compose himself after the sight of her broken spirit hit's him as hard as a knife to the chest. "I am so sorry...I...I wish I could make things right." It's killing him to see her this way.

Indy's eyes turn downward, feeling empty.

"Why haven't you said anything? Please, say something." Ghost tries to wipe her dried tears with his sleeve.

She still refuses to meet his gaze and he can't stand that. "Hey... come on... look at me..."

Indy doesn't, feeling tired, betrayed, and general pain.

He brushes her disheveled hair away from her face. "Just look at me."

She finally looks up, eyes hollow and emotionless.

"Hey... come here." He looks at Indy as he opens his arms for a hug.

She likes hugs, they always made her feel better after a hard mission. Ghost thought to himself.

Indy stays seated in the chair, just looking at him with no reaction. No real indication she even knows what's going on.

"Please, just come here for a second." He's desperate by this point, knowing he needs to fix this. The whole team needs to fix this. Ghost took it upon himself to be first, though, not being able to live with the guilt. He'd love to run and to slam himself into a wall for what he's done, but he can't leave Indy. He needs to make it right.

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