Her Book... (PricexOC)

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I'm trying my hand at writing more of these one-shots on my own. This one was a request, and hopefully, I do it justice.


It was a slow week on base. Indy had taken advantage of the time by laying on the lounge couch and reading one of her romance novels. 

Currenly, though, she was sleeping. The warm weather and cool base was enough to get her drowsy. Laying on the couch was enough to push her over the edge and pass out with an open book in hand.

Price was walking out of his office with a few files in hand. The slow week had given him a lighter work load, something he took advantage of. He does a double-take once he sees the sleeping Indy on the couch.

He quietly approaches her with a smile. She looked peaceful and comfortable curled up how she was. Grabbing the throw blanket that was normally kept on the couch, he gently lays it over her and takes the book from her hand.

She mumbles in her sleep before curling up further in the couch, pulling the blanket tight over her. He can't help but grin at the sight. It's a goofy grin, too, one that he knows makes him look stupid. He doesn't care since his girlfriend makes him happy.

After making sure she is set, he looks down at the book she was reading, causing him to snicker. "Naughty girl...." He says, reading the description.

He takes the book with him as he leaves her sleeping. With the slow week, he'll have some time to read up on her latest interest, maybe even surprise her with it.




That evening in the mess hall, Indy runs in and practically corners Soap. "Where. Is. It." She demands. 

She woke up from her nap 2 hours ago, mind hazy. Once she was fully up, she remembered her book and looked under the blanket for it. Obviously, it wasn't there. She practically flipped the couch, knowing she fell asleep with the book in hand.

After not finding it, she went to her room, thinking that maybe she hadn't brought it with her after all and left it there instead. When the book still wasn't found, she immediately knew that someone must have taken it. There was only one person who had stolen her books before.

Soap cowers slightly at the angry woman in front of him. "I-I don't know what ye are talking about."

"My. Book." She seethes.

His eyes widen at that. Soap remembers what happened last time he stole one of her books. He thought it would have been funny to steal one and read one of the more spicy chapters out loud in front of the team. He didn't get enough time to see the shoe flying towards his head.

The last thing he wants is another shoe to the head. "I don't have it!" He says sincerily.

Ghost, Gaz, and Roach don't bother to interfere. It's free entertainment for them. Besides, if anything goes wrong, they'll just get Price.

Speak of the devil, Price walks into the cafeteria at that exact moment.

"Give me my book!" She practically yells at Soap, making the man back up.

Price quickly runs up to his girlfriend and chuckles as he pulls her back. "Give Soap a break, love. He doesn't have your book."

Indy untenses once she hears him say that. "How do you know?"

"Because I have it. You were sleeping on the couch and I helped you get comfortable. I picked it up and took it with me. Didn't want it falling into the wrong hands." He explains, gently nuzzling her to calm her down.

She lets out a breath after hearing that. 

"I also wanted to read it myself." 

That her to panic slightly. "No, no, no, no. Please tell me you didn't."

He chuckles at her panic. "I did. We should talk, later."

Indy is now blushing red as he pulls her to the table so that she can eat dinner. The rest of the team is snickering at her.

"What was in the book?" Gaz asks, wanting to milk this for all it's worth.

"Nothing for you to worry about, sergeant." Price chuckles, knowing better than to reveal the contents of it.

She eats silently, refusing to look at anyone. Soap is still a bit sour at the false accusations and pouts to himself.

"Sorry, Soap. You're the only one who's done it before." She apologizes.

He mutter to himself before speaking with a huff. "... fine. Don't do it again, though."

She nods before turning to Price. "How far did you read?"

Price smirks. "Far enough."

Indy drops her head onto the table and groans. "Why?"

"Because I like getting knowing your tastes in books. And because it's cute to see you embarassed." He chuckles.

"You're terrible."

"You love me."




That night, Indy is in her and Price's shared room, book back in her hand. The captain walks in a fter a bit with a dark grin.

"... what are you up to?" Something's up, she knows it.

He simply walks towards her with a smile before suddenly pouncing on the girl in his bed and wrestling her down.

"Price! Wait!" She's chuckling between each words while struggling to fight him off. "What are you doing?!"

After a few minutes, he sits back and grins at her. Indy is now in one of his shirts and not her usual pajamas.

"You couldn't ask me?" She raises an eyebrow at him.

"Nope." He chuckles, pulling her down for a tight cuddle. "Next time those book boyfriends of yours force the main characters into their shirts, steal one of mine."

She blushes but nods. "... I didn't even highlight that part."

"You're a dark romance girl. I know what you like."


Hope you guys like this one with Price. If you have requests, let me know in the comments or dm me through Wattpad. Also, a reminder that my new book will start posting chapters on Wednesday. Make sure to check it out, especially those of you who are König fans!

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