Vegetables?! Seriously?! (TF 141 x OC) Part 2

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Alright, here's part two, enjoy!


That afternoon, Indy makes pasta with meat sauce for lunch. The men wolf all of it down with Ghost throwing the occasioanl glance over to Indy, curious as to where the vegetables are hidden this time around.

She just smiles and keeps up laughing and joking with the team. After lunch, the team leaves with Ghost staying behind once again.

"Okay, well played." He grumbled, finishing up the last of the food that was on his plate, not seeing any sight of the vegetable that was supposed to be in it.

"I can't find it. Where is it?" He asked, looking back up at her.

She smirks at she clears the table. "It's in the meat sauce."

"Wait- seriously?" Ghost asks, looking back down at the plate and trying to see if she'd actually manage to blend it in with the meat sauce. He didn't notice any indication that any ingredient was out of the ordinary. "How the hell did you even manage that?"

"I boiled some carrots, celery, onions, and bell peppers in beef broth. I then blended it till smooth and added it to the meat sauce. Delicious yet undetectable." Indy says as she starts doing the dishes.

"You sneaky son of a-" Ghost cuts himself off. "Okay, well you got me. I never would've known they were in there if you didn't tell me, you're just setting me up for failure here."

"I know." She snickers.




That's how it goes for a while. Whenever Indy cooks, Ghost waits until they are alone before asking where she hid the vegetables.

It was only a matter of time before they got caught, though.

Price was the one that overheard them, having gone back to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. "What's this about you sneaking stuff into our food?" He asks, looking unamused.

Indy practically jumps out of her skin at hearing the Captain's voice. "C-Cap! It's- it's not what you think! I swear I was only-"

Ghost cuts her off. "It vegetables, Price. She's been feeding us vegetables."

Price just stares at her for a second before chuckling. "You've been fedding us rabbit food? Without us knowing?"

"Hey, it's not rabbit food. It's good for you. And yeah, I have." Indy says with a chuckle of her own, having relaxed after hearing Price laugh.

"How the hell have you managed that?"

"Trial and error." She says sincerily. "I've managed, though."

"Clearly." Price says with a grin. "I've gotta say, it's not a bad thing. I will warn you, Soap might start a uprising once he realizes he's been tricked like this."

"Wait, what do you mean? I have to tell the team?" Indy asks, not liking the idea.

Price nods. "I would say to keep it a secret, God knows we all need the added nutrition, but I think they should know the work you put into this food. Plus, I want to see how they react."

"Are you sure, Captain? Like you said, some of them might get mad, especially Soap. He'll never shut up about it." Ghost points out.

"I'll take care of it." He says, waving Ghost off before turning to Indy. "You are going to come clean. Do it during dinner, tonight."

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